Блог Support



Be aware of verification scams

Be aware of … emails claiming your profile has been detected as fraud or a warning of termination. These are SCAMS.

Ignore their … to fake verification sites- This is a SCAM.



For this reason we ask that you don't share any personal contact information publicly, and certain contact information may be restricted within conversations; and encourage you to never enter your profile details or password into another site other than the website you subscribed to.

  • magiklikker: I do appreciate what the site is doing to keep those less informed from being scammed. I just wish there was a way to make it so everybody's PMs didn't have to be censored for it to happen.
  • MtlMasturbation: seems ALL the FAKE members on here is more of a scam....no real profiles!
  • raimis1: es tikai gribēju nosūtīt savu e-pastu
  • bamamanx469: If you guys wanna do something besides block people's emails when they are trying to contact someone... how bout do something about the 15 fake friend requests I get an hour it seems for the last two weeks from Phoenix, AZ I mean damn its getting ridiculous!
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