


Manscaping - What's Your Opinion?

I like Fuckbook because we get straight to the point around here. So I’ll do just that . . .

Don’t get me wrong, I love pussy; black, white, yellow, Latina-a-a-a . . . yum, I have a hard time writing while thinking about those soft, slippery lips . . . (breathe George . . .breathe . . . ), but the pussy that I go gaga over is a slightly manicured, somewhat-tufty bush. You know, where the hair isn't so short it’s prickly (ha-ha!! prickly ), and just long enough that it’s got a bit of wispiness to it . . . I like to know that I'm with a woman, you know what I'm saying? I think a woman should have a little bush, at least something . . .

And me, I’m not into big, hairy, grassy-knolls and what-not . . . you know the ones, with hair so long you could floss with it after you eat, blech, that shit always winds up in the back of my throat . . . what’s up with that?

Anyway, that’s me, my taste. That's George’s thing.

So, . . . I've been pondering my own personal grooming style, and thought I’d ask you for some advice. Manscaping is all the rage these days, and there’s lots of ways for us heavenly heathens to “trim the lawn.”

This is where you come in, what's your thing? . . . And, sorry ladies, none of these photos are me




**Do you prefer your dudes au naturel, you know, the real-life hairy monsters we are . . . **




Or maybe you like a nice design. Is this guy your Clark Kent or Klerk Can't?



Tell George, what's your preference?


Landing strip? Trim up? Shave down?



In a little while I'm gonna bust out my trimmer and get busy . . . or maybe not.

Talk to George . . .

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