George_on_my_Mind's Blog



Bananas, or Cock? It's Good To Have Choices ~pic~

We all know that bananas are good for us, especially given their life-enhancing, hydration benefits. But, let’s compare “apples to oranges,” . . .


A medium sized banana provides about 20% of recommended daily potassium and about 200 calories. If you’re a sexy biatch (like I know you are) and are (maybe) paying attention to caloric intake, well, 200 is lot of calories for only 20% potassium!

(I know . . . concentration is difficult with my juicy cock staring you in the face . . . read on)

Okay George, how about another potassium option? Boy, am I’m glad you asked! . . . And here’s where we get into apples and oranges , , , the answer is in semen! That’s right ladies and germs, get this: an average sized cumshot (some of us ARE indeed more fortunate that others, but we'll go with average . . . ) contains about 10% of daily recommended potassium and (get this!) only 20 – 30 calories. Wow! That tells Dr. George that, if you swallow two healthy loads a day, you’ll get the same potassium benefits as eating one banana, and only consume ¼ the calories.

In a word, ** WOW !**

Okay, okay, simmer down; I know you want to know how you can thank me for all of this useful knowledge. Here’s a hint:

Want some potassium?



PS- I'm not really a doctor, I only play one on TV

PSS - Comments and ratings make George happy

  • George_on_my_Mind: I have a prescription for you, Lilac . . .
  • George_on_my_Mind: Hey Red, would love to shoot video of that . . .

    Teazem , , , cumming right up - now let the good doctor give you a lollipop
  • George_on_my_Mind: Princess, you may need more potassium. I think we'd better run tests
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