shasta8909's Blog



Dealing with the Dense (rules 6, 7, and 10)

We all aspire to support the "differently-abled" -- those with personal physical, medical, or mental challenges. I have found that on this site, many suffer from additional loss of blood flow to the brain, as the sexual organs become engorged, and users act with reckless disregard of any posted "Rules", well written profiles, even artful graphics. Ironic that these next three rules usually are unread by the breakers.

6- (You do you) I am not responsible for your orgasm. "Make me cum" -- meet Rosy Palm and her 5 sisters. Do I like anal? IDK, turn around and bend over while i get my strap-on, relax your anus, you'll feel a little pressure .. let me see if I like anal. Why do I take so long to answer? Are we dating? Maybe I'm chatting with three people at once: biggus dikkus, dudelookslikealady, and drippinHoneyPot. You might not be the most interesting chat with the most eye-catching pictures at the time. Step up your game!

7- (Contribute) I like the game "Whack-a-mole." Blue, Pink, and Purple profiles with no pics, no message, nothing == moles. I even have a graphic, translated to four languages, that shows this. Oh, and if I friend you and you later turn into a mole (delete pics), I will whack you. No hard feelings...


8- (Reach out) I will accept your friend request, 98 percent of the time. As soon as I can get to it, after looking at your profile. Except: you are advertising using your one picture, your picture is of german amputee snuff p o o fetish porn, or your picture makes my spidey sense tingle.

  • BobbyG4631: Biggus Dickus...History of the World...Fucking HILARIOUS!!!!!
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