dlove_rm's blogg



A funny thing happened on the way to the.........

Del was trying something new. At least, new to him and he was extremely nervous. He had asked several friends to come support him, but to his pleasure and to his dismay, Jean was the only friend that showed up to be there for him. Tonight Del was going to try telling some jokes at a local Open Mic. People had told him for years he was funny. Tonight he was banking that they didnt just mean “funny looking”. He had told all of his coworkers and his closest friends about this but now that the show had started, he looked out at the crowd and could only see Jean. She was right up front, smiling and ready to be there to cheer him on. He always had a soft spot (and a hard spot) for Jean. In fact, she had this magical way of turning his soft spot into his hard spot. Oh gosh, why did he have to think of that now. That's the last thing he needed to happen on stage. He had rehearsed this act for weeks, but he never popped an erection in the middle of it. And that would be awkward if he did, given the material. Oh but look at her. Sitting there with her blue blouse on, unbuttoned just enough to get a small glimpse of her cleavage. She had beautiful breasts. He had always wanted to see them fully exposed, fondle them, grope them, squeeze them, and just hold them. He thought they would be the most marvelous breasts in the world, and in his eyes, they were. She didnt seem to agree with his assessment. He wasnt really sure she KNEW his assessment of them, but he knew she didnt agree. She thought she was fat. She was wrong. Oh sure, she wasnt a size two or anything, but she looked amazing to him. He always wished he knew how to tell her that but he could never seem to say the words to her, at least nor face to face. Oh how was he ever going to get through this night. If other friends has shown up he could focus on them. Now it was either focus on her or a stranger. And he wasnt comfortable with strangers.

Jean also had on some nice tight jeans that flattered every curve of that shapely fine ass of hers. He liked to watch her arrive and loved to watch her leave – that ass was one of her best features he thought. Oh he didnt WANT her to leave, no, quite the opposite. He NEVER wanted her to leave. Let's face it, he just wanted her. He wanted her on a physical level. On a mental level. He wanted her to enjoy his company for a day, a weekend, a week, a year, a lifetime, he didnt care he would take whatever she was willing to offer. And that was where the problem lied. She didnt offer. It seemed she wouldnt offer and for very good reason. Jean was involved with another guy.

It plagued at Del's very soul that he had these feelings for her when she was involved with someone else. He had tried many things to curb these desires, these urges, and they would quiet themselves temporarily, but they always returned. Many times, stronger than before. Del was more worried about upsetting Jean if he ever confronted her about his feelings. A few months ago, Del had hit a particular low point and gone drinking with some friends. They abandoned him at the bar though when he became a little too … for his own good and was embarrassing them. Del didnt know what to do and when he reached for his phone to hail a cab to take him home, he noticed he had been apparently … texting with Jean. And he had said a few things that may have crossed a line, but Jean seemed responsive. Del smiled and tried one last hoorah and texted her that he sure could use a ride home because he couldnt drive in his present condition. He then let that hoorah out she Jean indicated she would help him out. He thought this was going to be the best moment possible.....until about 20 minutes later when a cabbie was hailing him from the curb. Jean called a cab for him and arranged the payment and address and got him home. Well, TO his home at least. Del was disappointed but also grateful and relieved. But mostly disappointed.

He had been afraid to talk with Jean after that for a while until she texted him asking if everything was ok. He responded right away that he was fine, all was well and that he had just been busy. That was a lie of course, he had just been awkwardly afraid – as usual. He wasnt even sure how he had gotten the courage to mention to her about his Stand Up event tonight, but he had and was overjoyed again when she said she wouldnt miss it. And she didnt. And here she is. And here he is. And oh boy the erection is well on its way. Baseball, think baseball. NO DONT...a bat and two balls – oh man that didnt help.

Oh no – his turn on the mic. Ok – shift it to the left and hopefully his jeans will cover the evidence until he is done.

It was five of the most demanding minutes of his life. He stammered, he stuttered, he forgot some of the routine, but the crowd laughed.......so what......SHE LAUGHED. And as she would laugh, Del found it easier and easier to talk suddenly. Her laugh was … It was like a pheromone that she was exuding and it was enticing Del, exciting Del.......and just as he was leaving the stage, his erection had returned in full force and was pitching his jeans in a very painful way. He had to escape, he had to take care of this growing problem.

Del slipped out the back side stage door and that led to the side of the auditorium and then outside to the alley. Del figured he could slip out there and take care of his situation and be back in no time, he figured it wouldnt take long right now. Not with the way he was feeling and what was on his mind. What Del didnt realize is that Jean noticed him slipping out the side of the audience and she wanted to tell him right away how well he had done and how proud she was of him for getting up there and tackling this. So she followed behind him. Del was leaned up against the wall, handling his business with his pants and underwear pulled down fully exposing himself, his erection, and his actions when she walked out and was suddenly right in front of him staring at his business. Now it was her that was speechless. She didnt know what to say and she said nothing. Del had his eyes closed and didnt realize she had stepped out there yet so he was talking to himself while stroking his very firm manhood. He had a very thick erection in his hands and it was a good seven inches long Jean thought. And then it happened. Del made a noise. It was quiet, but she heard it loud and clear and he called out her name in a soft passionate moan. It instantly made her quiver and she was surprised to find herself becoming a bit moist in her nether regions as well. Then he said it again. His eyes were closed though, did he know she was here? How could he? “Jean oh god Jean I am going to cum – I want you so badly.” It sounded like he knew she was there....what should she do? She was confused. “Oh Jean, I wish you would stroke my cock so I could play with those perfect breasts of yours. I love your tits more than you could ever know....” Oh god what should she do? She was so twisted and she was growing more and more aroused – she was completely taken aback and didnt know what to think. And she was even more surprised to find her hand was reaching for his cock. Some part of her desired to touch it, feel it, hold it.

Her hand was mere millimeters from his throbbing cock when he suddenly gasped deeply. His hand had stopped stroking and Jean didnt even notice that Del had opened his eyes and seen her there. Del was sure it was not true, that he was imagining this whole event. That is until her hand touched him and she wrapped her fingers around that thick cock and she started to stroke it. Del was flattened against the wall. He was in such disbelief that he had literally pinned himself against the wall and couldnt move. Jean's hand was moving slowly but he had a firm grasp and that was definitely satisfying Del's shaft. Jean's other hand went under Del's shirt and she was rubbing his chest, but still her gaze was fixated on the shaft and the head that she was rubbing. Her stroke was increasing in its speed and she was started to demand Del cum for her. Del wasnt sure he could but his organs just sort of took over on their own and before Del could even think of speaking, he was firing his sperm all over Jean's blouse and jeans. And Jean wasnt stopping, she just kept stroking, almost as if she were pumping it out of his organ and enjoying every bit of it. When it looked as if he were going limp and turning flacid in her hand, she looked up at Del in his eyes. Del was still in shock and disbelief. He had no idea if what just happened were real or not. He almost had this look of horror on his face at the events that just transpired.

Jean simply said, “That was fun. You seemed to enjoy it, I know I did. Did you want to get out of here and continue this in the truck? And then back at your place? And we can see if you really do like

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