Блог Unquenchable



How to Online Fling Successfully -my 4 Bs

Let’s face it, sometimes online dating is every bit as difficult and challenging as meeting a potential partner in a bar or the local café. People are distracted and guarded and it can be challenging to break down barriers and form a relationship. I find in my experience men are often bolder in their approaches to women online, especially in adult dating where many consider it a good introduction to go in first message with a cock photo and follow up with a sleazy “How you doin?”.

So instead of complaining to the next person who sends a cock pic to my inbox, I’m going to list FOUR simple things you can do to improve your chances of impressing a woman, and be successful at finding your online fling.


Chances are that sending 'copy and paste' messages to all the female profiles in your area, along the lines of ‘Wanna meet up tonight for a fuck?’ isn’t going to be met with a long list of “YES!” that you can then choose from. It’s time to admit that might be a numbers game with very low odds. So get realistic and set your expectations a little lower. It’s fair to say there is often an unbalanced ratio of available women to men, so be prepared to make the extra effort when contacting a potential partner for the first time. Put your best foot forward, and remember first impressions count!


Purchasing a membership to an adult site does not make you entitled to behave like a hungry pig and expect instant sexual satisfaction from other members. Other members do not “owe” you anything just because the website might be called ‘Fuckbook’. Learn personal accountability, understand that you have also bring something to the relationship, for sex is about mutual satisfaction.


Success in any area rarely comes without some level of commitment and investment. Take some time to present yourself on your profile, add photos which present you positively, show your character (your cock hanging over a … bowl is never a good idea). Be someone others find interesting, comment on other’s profiles and engage as a part of the community, be willing to talk about topics other than sex, be confident and step out of your comfort zone.

Tip Four: BE WISE

While online dating can be fun it can also be risky to share your personal identity with strangers too early. Be wise and play it safe. Getting to know a person is possible without you sharing personal details, which could potentially be harmful. Avoid sharing Facebook … which give scammers access to your family and friends, which is commonly used in leverage for blackmail. Avoid sharing your home address or surname which phishing scammers can enter into Google to view your online fingerprint, possibly opening you up to a number of possible scams. Be aware of scam tactics and how they lure information with the promise of meeting up or sex. Scammers often want immediate action, so by slowing the process down and not giving personal information too early in the relationship you’ll find scammers become frustrated (sometimes rude) and give up, while real females seeking an honest partnership will be content to get to know a person via their online inbox until both parties are ready to take things to the next level.

  • Unquenchable: Additional point for Steve, get a PREMIUM profile and leave me alone!
  • Unquenchable: Oh of course Conny_Lingus, I've pinned plenty of your images.
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