Blogul lui dlove_rm




Melody was a very unhappily married woman, and she was Del’s best friend in the world. Del would do anything to see Mel happy. What is odd is, he didn’t have to look too far. Every year he would invite Mel over to help him decorate his Christmas tree. Yeah it was true, he probably got some help from her but in reality he didn’t “need” the help, he just liked being able to spend some time with her and any excuse he could make up for it was a welcome excuse in his book. And Mel seemed to benefit from it too. Every time they would get together, she would seem quiet, upset, withdrawn a bit, but by the end of their time together, she was all smiles and happy. Del always thought he helped bring out this quality in Mel and he liked that.

This year was like the others. He had his all-white tree assembled in his living room, he had the blue lights and the blue garland laid out, along with all of his ornaments. This was where he always needed her help. How to decorate. If it were his decision alone, he would just start stringing strand after strand of lights until all 1400 lights were on the tree, then strand after strand of garland until all 150 feet were on the tree. And then add the ornaments wherever they would fit. Mel had a different approach. And the tree ALWAYS looked better when she was done. She had an eye for this sort of thing and Del didn’t mind a bit. As she would stretch up the tree to decorate, or she would bend over to decorate (she was only 5’4”), Del always had a good view. Mel noticed he would look, she didn’t mind. On the back side of the tree it was time for the tree topper. A star that changed colors. Mel retrieved the footstool and put in behind the tree, and stretched to the top to put the topper on. But she nearly slipped and had Del not been there beside her to hand her to topper, she would have fallen into the tree and all their hard work would have had to start over again.

But when he caught her, his hand had grabbed a breast, the other around her waist had a firm grip, and before Del realized it, as he was standing her upright on the stepstool, his hand was cupping her breast squeezing it and they were locked into a very determined lip lock kiss. Del leaned her back against the wall, being on the step stool they were almost the exact same height and it made this kiss all the better and easier. She was against the wall, her hand was suddenly on the back of Del’s head and Del was just all over Mel. Del had had feelings for Mel for many years. He had always thought they were unrequited, unreturned feelings. This was coming out of nowhere. Mel was married. Yes unhappily but married, this was wrong but Del didn’t think ANY of that at that moment. All he could think of was that this, THIS is what he wanted in his life. And he was bound and determined to show Mel just how she should be treated. Not put down, not told she was inferior at anything. No! She was supposed to be put on a pedestal but not one that was out of reach, one that was just within reach so that he could touch her every day and let her know that she was the most special, lovely, beautiful woman and was his sole reason for being. Or something like that his mind was racing with many thoughts. Finally they came up for air and all Del could say was, “Uhh – what just happened? Are you alright? I’m sorry, but are you alright? Oh man – what have I done? Are you ok?”

Mel could only laugh at him for a brief moment, and all she could say in response was, “Ha ha ha, yes dear, I am fine, and thank you, I really needed that.” And that is all the encouragement Del needed as he was locked to her lips again. And he was picking her up off the stool. Del was stronger than he appeared. Sturdy. Mel liked that. Mel was small, petite even though she never saw herself as that, and Del liked that. Del put Mel on the floor and broke the embrace momentarily as he moved the stepstool across the room. He then returned to Mel where he wrapped his arms around her in a big bear hug, lifted her off the ground and just said, “My Princess”. And he carried her over to the step stool where he stood her upon it. He then lifted her arms over her head and said, “Pretend they are tied, don’t move them.” She did as he instructed. They had known each other for years and she trusted Del not to harm her. And Del could not possibly think of harming her as he did consider her to be “His Princess” and he would do anything to rescue, save, protect, caress, and care for her. Del took a step back and just did a “tsk tsk tsk” sound and stepped forward and proceeded to untie Mel’s blouse. While that didn’t open her blouse up, it was sensual and he would just stare into her eyes while he pulled the bow and unraveled the tie. He then raised her blouse over her head, over her arms and off her body, exposing her bare chest to him. Another step back and Del took in the view before him. Mel with her top completely bare and her arms above her head, and Mel started to look down to the floor. Del caught her chin and lifted her head back to look at him. “Look at me Mel. Don’t ever look away. I think you are beautiful and I want you to know that I think you are the most amazing woman I have ever known.” Mel was embarrassed and tried to look away again but Del’s hold on her chin was firm and when she glanced back at him, he kissed her again, with even more passion and fire than ever before. Mel realized that Del’s words were true and then she felt his hands. One on the small of her back pulling her to him, and the other on her breast, squeezing, pulling, twisting, wanting, kneeding.

Mel was enjoying this attention. She was conflicted but it had been a very long time since she had felt this kind of touch, this level of desire and she wanted more of it. No, she NEEDED more of it. And so more she was going to get. She let Del have her body and as she attempted to lower her arms to his head and hold him for their kiss, Del pulled away with this look on his face of both surprise and a glimmer of possibly evil in his eyes. He was up to something she could tell. Del said, “Whoa Princess. You moved your arms. You have violated the assigned situation.” Mel tried to put her arms back up right away and Del just said, “Too late. You have to suffer the consequences of your actions now. Turn around.” Mel didn’t know what to think. She was on a footstool, barely big enough to hold her feet, but she complied and left her hands above her head still and turned to face the wall. She had to admit, now she was a bit afraid. She had never seen that glimmer in Del’s eyes before but she was pretty sure he wouldn’t hurt her. And that is when she felt an arm around her waist pulling her backwards, while another hand was between her shoulder blades pushing her down a bit and Del saying, “Just hold the wall sweetheart.” The movement was smooth but different and suddenly it was over and her butt, still held in her jeans was bumping against, “What is that?” Mel thought, “Oh My Goodness, it his erection!” she also thought and then she pushed into it further and Del’s hands were suddenly both holding onto her breasts. Del was thinking to himself “These are the most perfect tits I have ever held. Not too big, not too small and oh man are they responsive.” Out loud all he could mutter was “oh god I love your tits”. Yeah – he thought romantic but he didn’t always speak it. That was something Mel was sure she could help with though. And at that thought Mel realized, Del was undoing her pants. What she thought was even more odd, was that she was starting to stand a little more upright to allow Del better access. And suddenly both her pants and her panties were down to her ankles, then one shoe off and that leg out of her pants and then the other and suddenly, just like that, she was naked, on a step stool, right in front of Del.

Mel had never really envisioned a romantic relationship with Del before. Oh sure, she had known he had feelings, but she was married…..happily she had thought until she realized she wasn’t all that happy. But Del? Del was nothing like the type of guy she normally had feelings for. Del was tall, but large. He could definitely benefit from regular sex she thought. Sex after all is a great exercise program. And Del needed some exercise. He also had some issues he had to work out. For one, was his hang up on Mel. Mel wasn’t sure she would ever be able to have a relationship with him, at least nothing formal or official but she was sure going to experiment with this situation and hope more situations happened. But no, she was determined she was going to help Del improve as well to find himself someone special.

So they both had a long term mission. Not the same mission, but they had one and for now, that was on the back burner because right here before them – they were both naked. Wait. What? When did Del take off his clothes? Mel had been so wrapped up in thinking about all of this, she hadn’t noticed Del had removed his t-shirt and shorts…..or had noticed that was all he was wearing. But she certainly noticed the 7” erect cock standing before her. And apparently it noticed her as well. And without any words she looked up at Del and Del was immediately engaged in a kiss again. Mel broke the kiss quickly and just said – “Let’s try in that room and gestured with her head towards the bedroom. Del picked up Mel and carried her the 10 feet to the bed and laid her gently on it and then crawled in beside her as she slid over. Her had immediately started stroking his erection and Del’s eyes closed at the touch. It was the first time in over a decade that someone other than himself had touched it and the sensation was overwhelming to him. And Mel was surprised to feel it grow a bit more in her hand. And so she started to pump it a bit harder with a tighter grip. Del could just mutter a groan and suddenly, Del was tipped with pre-cum and he had to stop her hand or else he would be over and spent in mere minutes. So he rolled into her and places one of her breasts into his mouth and began to suck on it and flick his tongue around her nipple. He was pleased that this was working as her grip loosened and her stroking slowed to a near stop. And he also slipped his tip over her thigh and dropped his pre-cum on her leg. He wasn’t sure if Mel noticed or not because she didn’t react.

Del slipped his hand down to her womanly folds and found she was more than ready for him. Her wetness was overwhelming and Del just knew he had to taste that. Before she could react, he was between her thighs and his face buried in her wet pussy. Del was more than happy to feel her hands in his hair and hear her groaning with satisfaction. She was certainly wet and Del was enjoying this tremendously. Suddenly Mel pulled his head back and just demanded, “I need you inside me”. Del … no time and he stood up, erection in full effect still and just looked at her with this pleading expression, “how do you want to do this?” Mel knew that look and she just slid to the edge of the bed, wrapped her legs around him and said “Do me.” And Del did just that. He slid his tip in and she used her legs to pull all of it inside her. Del hadn’t been with a woman in a VERY long time, however, and literally is was about a handful of pumps and Del lost his load right there inside her. Talk about premature. Mel just held him as he collapsed beside her and as Del kept saying how sorry he was, Mel just kept saying “its ok, we can try again.” These words made Del happy to hear, but still sad because he had always dreamed or fantasized at how perfect the first time would be and while this was amazing for him, and he thought for her too, it was not the great grandstand event he had thought he would provide. He was disappointed in himself. But he was hopeful that there would be a next time, and that he would be able to perform better for it. And he was more than happy to lay there beside Mel and hold her as she held him.

When they stood back up, Del picked up Mel and carried her back to the foot stool and he stood her on top of it again. He once again told her “hands above your head, act like they are tied there”. And then, with great care, he began to slowly dress her again in her clothes. It was his care and attention to detail that made it almost sensual the way he would slide his fingers along her body as he was bringing the clothing to her skin. When he was done and she was dressed, she violated the rules, grabbed his head and brought him in for a deep, long, seductive kiss that he felt lasted for hours. Truth is it was probably a minute or two but to Del it was the most heavily touch and kiss he had ever felt. He never wanted it to end…….but that is exactly what it did do. It ended…….”until next time, we can try it again”.

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