Blogul lui dlove_rm



Just a story

It was a cold, rainy day in late May. Unusual weather, but the weather is not what was on Gerard’s mind today. Gerard worked downtown in a small office with only two co-workers, Mary and Mark. Mary and Mark were involved with each other, it was no secret. In fact, it was very obvious, from the photos of each other on the other’s desk, to the looks they gave one another, and to the way they spoke of and to one another. It was sickening most of the time actually. I say this because, you see, I also have feelings for Mary.

She stands 5’7”, a thin frame at about 130lbs, long blonde hair, nicely tanned body and having seen her in a bathing suit at some traveling events in the past, I can honestly say I don’t believe there are any tan lines on her body. She has some very nice 34C breasts as well that seem to be very perky. At any rate, it is not unusual for me to fantasize about Mary, and I will admit, Mark is NEVER in that mental picture anywhere. I’m very thankful for that.

Today, however, it is just Mary and myself at the office. Mark is traveling and wont be back until the end of the week. I decided that this week, I was going to take as much advantage of this situation as I possibly could.

In our office, we primarily do Investment Portfolios for large scale investment companies. Companies will offer their services to individuals or smaller companies to manage their investments, 401k’s, etc. Then that company will rely upon the services of our company to determine how to best invest those contributions to maximize the payback, thus offering that company some profit and maintain the stated goals of the plan to the smaller company and individuals. In other words, we have to stay in tune with the stock markets at a very detailed level and know what stocks will do even before the market knows. Its not always easy, but this company is good at it. Or rather, Mary and Mark are good at it. I do the computer work for the two of them. It is my job to make sure our network stays up and data is always available to them. We may only be three people, but we have a “corporate network” here that would rival most any Fortune 500 company. Firewalls, OS3 dark fibre connections, spare data center 45 miles away, archive libraries, and over 75 desktop computers and servers and monitors. We like to make the impression we are a lot busier than we really are and amazingly enough, the presence of a computer just makes people think you are busy. So it works.

On this day, as I arrived that morning before Mary, I had taken the opportunity to install a subroutine program on her PC that would launch at about 11am and start making it look like it was deleting files. When this happened, she immediately screamed out and I was right there to rescue her. I fumbled around for a few minutes, to make it look like it was going to take some effort to fix it, but when I was done, I assured her she had lost no work, no data and that she was up and running just fine. Then I suggested that she and I should have lunch, she could buy and it would be her way of saying thank you for saving the company data.

She quickly agreed, grabbed her jacket and mine, and we were both on our way out the door to De’Franco’s, a little Italian place she just loved. Mark was doing all the work this week, we were both just basically holding down the fort (so to speak) so we could take our time. At lunch I learned small things, such as her favorite color was purple, she hated roses (thought they smelled pungent), she was a green belt in tae-kwon-do and studied every Tuesday night, she liked romantic comedy movies, and while in college she was known to be a bit loose when she would drink (and do the occasional drug of the week). None of which would I have suspected actually, but that just was more information. During lunch she had ordered the Chicken Parmesan and a glass of Merlot. On the second glass she excused herself to the restroom and I took full advantage of this situation. I added a little something to her glass of wine for her. When she returned she finished her wine, and her story about meeting Mark (wow that was boring) and paid the ticket and we were heading back to work. Along the way she complained of feeling woozy and before I knew it, she was passed out in the passenger seat next to me.

Mark’s trip had been planned for weeks. I had seen the tickets get purchased online and made a note of this week in my planner. For the past two weeks I had been stocking up on what I would need at my cabin in the woods. Out on Lake Wontonga, I had a little fishing cabin. Its about an hour outside of town and fairly remote. The cabin has a crude basement dug out under it and I have been working on finishing it off in my spare time. I enjoy doing wood working projects and what not like this. These past two weeks though, I had been focusing mostly on making it a private dungeon for this very moment. I had put in special hooks and eyelets for ropes and chains. I even built this contraption that strongly resembled an old water wheel or a … rack.

Seeing Mary in this vulnerable condition I quickly pulled over to unbutton her blouse and pull that skirt of hers up a little higher. I wanted something to glance over at while I drove us. By the time we arrived at the cabin, I had Mary nearly naked. Her blouse was just loosely hanging on her shoulders and her skirt was so high up on her waist it was only covering her belly button. I had slid her silk panties over and driven the last few miles with my hand between her legs and a finger inside her moist slit.

Now that we were here, I would finish removing all of her clothes and carry her naked body into the cabin and to the basement.

Quite honestly, now that we were here and everything, I was nearly lost on what to do next. I truly never thought this day would happen, and while I had spent so much time focusing on the room, I never really stopped to think about what exactly I would do with her in this room. Well, I had, but not in detail enough to really know and be ready for it. I kind of felt overwhelmed at this moment. But I also knew, there was no turning back at this point in time.

Once we were in the basement, I took Mary over to the wheel and placed her back against the wheel, stretched her arms over her head and back and attached them to the wheel, and then rolled it backwards until her feet left the floor. I then tied her feet to the wheel, one foot on each side rail causing her legs to be spread and then I proceeded to use the ropes to tie her chest to the wheel, separating her breasts and using the excess rope to tie each breast tightly and squeeze the blood to the nipples making her tits balloon out. I watched them turn dark red and knew she would soon come around and realize her breasts were burning with pain.

While she was still out cold though, I took advantage of the photo opportunity and also setup the laptop and webcam for video recording. I wanted to document all of this.

I thought about blindfolding Mary, but she has beautiful blue eyes and she already knows who she was with when the lights went out, so there was no point in pretending I wasn’t involved. She would recognize my voice anyway. Besides, a part of me wanted her to know it was me doing all of this to her. I was going to take great pleasure in that as well.

Mary was coming around and starting to realize she was unable to move, her breasts hurt, and she was naked. When I noticed she was coming to, I quickly wheeled her up so that she was facing upwards and I turned on the 400 watt spotlight directly into her face and eyes to cause her some disorientation. I then said, “Hello Mary, welcome to my cabin. I hope you enjoy it here, it has all the comforts of home.”

“Gerard? What is going on here – what are you doing?” she asked.

“Mary, I thought for sure you would know a good old fashioned … when you were involved in it. Maybe those drugs you did in college diminished your thinking though.”

Mary began to scream and cry and I simply lightly ran my finger inside her right leg. I started at her big toe and moved to her heel, up to her ankle, then to her knee, along the inside of her thigh, right up to her moist slit again…….and then I shoved my middle two fingers as deep inside her pussy as they would go. “If you are going to cry Mary, I might as well give your sopping wet pussy something to cry over, wouldn’t you agree?” I said.

All Mary could do was cry and whimper more. “I said, wouldn’t you agree MARY?!?!” and when I shouted her name I threw all of my muscle and weight behind a forceful shove deep inside her.

Mary quickly responded with “Yes my master – please hurt my pussy because I have been a bad, bad girl!”

This caught me completely off-guard. All I could say was, “Just how bad have you been Mary?”

She was red with embarrassment but when I pinched and twisted her clitoris she quickly began to talk again. “At lunch, when I went to the bathroom, it was to masterbate because I wanted so badly to crawl under the table at lunch and give you head. I have wanted you to fuck me now for weeks and when I am with that despicable Mark, all I can do to get thru it is to fantasize it is you Gerard that is screwing me.”

All of this was unreal to me. It was like she knew exactly what I wanted to hear and was saying it all to me. And then I realized, she probably was saying what I wanted to hear. Just so I would loosen the ropes so she could escape. She was a bit more clever than I had thought. I quickly pulled her clit with one hand and squeezed her right nipple with my other hand and just simply said, “Well this is your lucky week Mary. We will be doing a lot of fucking and you will do plenty of sucking all week long. I hope you enjoy it.”

I then turned on a mini-egg vibrator to its max setting, shoved it inside her completely shaved pussy, put a piece of duct tape over it so it wouldn’t come out and then duct taped a second one to her clit and turned out the light and went to bed. For several hours I was hearing her moan and groan and cry out as she had several orgasms. The vibrators were relentless and I am only guessing she passed out from the intensity. That evening I turned on the television, watched some movies, ate a pizza, and had a good nights rest. I knew I would need my energy the next day, this was going to be fun.

The next morning I woke up and showered and ventured down to the basement to find Mary still attached to the wheel. The vibrators had slowed tremendously but were still going. Mary was passed out again. I slapped her across the face which got her attention fast enough and I wheeled her on over so that she was practically on her head now. When she opened her mouth to say something, I quickly inserted my cock and was fucking her mouth. She quickly welcomed it as well. I yanked off the duct tape and I told her that if she bit at any time, it would be the last bite to eat she ever had. She winced in pain at the duct tape being removed but that was all. She was really good at giving head I must say. She swallowed me down whole and even sucked in the balls occasionally. It was like she was enjoying it. I grabbed both of her huge swollen breasts in my hands and firmly gave them both a great big squeeze. This made her suck my dick even harder. Completely not the response I expected and suddenly I was shooting my load down her throat and into her mouth. And she was not stopping she continued to suck me and took every drop of my seed down her throat and swallowed it all. When I was soft again I simply wheeled her back over so that her toes could barely touch the concrete floor and left her outstretched there. I then suspended before her a full length mirror I had mounted just so she could see herself and watch everything I was doing. “Do you like the way you look today Mary?” I asked.

“I think I look a bit revealing master, what do you think?”

Her use of the word master still throws me off. She did this entirely of her own volition and it was something I was enjoying but also something unexpected that was a bit bewildering to me. “I think you look nearly perfect Mary. In fact, I may just decide to keep you like this forever. How would you like that Mary? You want to remain my … the rest of your life?”

“Master, I think if anyone would ever be deserving of my pleasuring, it would be you and nothing would make me happier than to continuously make you happy for the rest of your life.”

At this time, I just had to walk away, things were not going exactly as I had expected them to and I was confused. I did turn on the webcam before I left the room though, just to see what might happen.

Much to my surprise, even while I was away she was calling out my name and scooting her hips as though she was fucking the air and causing herself to have an orgasm. All of this was more than I ever thought possible. It would appear that she really was attracted to me and she was really wanting this situation to happen. But could it be? Well, all I knew is that this should change nothing. Whether she enjoyed it or not, I needed to stick to my original ideas and just go through with it now. Nothing should change.

While I was out and about, I picked up a really sturdy twig and took it back with me. When I got to the basement, I set the twig down on the counter I had next to the steps and walked over to Mary and began to untie her. Her voice was shaky but mostly sounding like she did not want me to untie her yet when she asked “Wh-wh-what are you doing???”

I never said a word, I simply untied her and pushed her over to an old wooden desk chair. I put her on her knees on the chair and bent her face down over the back of the chair. I tied each of her ankles to the front legs of the chair and then tied her wrists to the back legs of the chair and ran a length of rope under the seat of the chair to tie her elbows to her ankles as well. She was stuck, bent over this chair, tits just dangling on the back side of the back of the chair. I then retrieved the twig I had. It was about 4 feet long and about ¾” thick. It still had its bark on it. I quickly reared it back over my head and swung it down hard across her bare buttocks. She yelped out and I quickly stopped, went to the drawer on that same cabinet. I came back with a leather studded dog collar and I put it around her neck. It was small but I drew it tight to her neck. She could still breath but I wanted her to concentrate on that. Again the stick came down hard and she winced and whimpered. I shouted out to her, “Bark damn you you dog. If you are going to make a noise, you are going to bark.” And with that I swung the stick again and I heard her exclaim out “RUFF RUFF”.

“Oh – so you want it rougher do you?” and I swung the stick against the back of her thighs. “RUFF RUFF” she responded. After a few lashes with the stick and hearing her bark, I was getting stiff again. I turned the stick around and pushed the hard wood into her pussy. She didn’t want that you could tell but I wasn’t stopping. Finally she gave in and allowed herself to be tree fucked. When I left again for a little bit, this time I left the tree sticking out of her pussy and I just told her to “pretend she had a dick instead of her worthless cunt hole.”

I was gone for a few hours. I figured I needed to actually show up at the office this week. I mean, now that Mark AND Mary were “away” someone needed to come in and make sure things were working well. I walked into the office as the phone was ringing off the hook. I answered the phone, half expecting it to be Mark wondering why Mary wasn’t answering the phone. I already had an excuse made up for him about running an errand. This time I was surprised yet again when I heard that there had been an accident in New York City and Mark had been severely injured. Seems some cab at the airport had lost control and went running into the JFK baggage terminal. Mark’s bags had been mishandled and he was there retrieving his bags now and was the only person injured. They had grave news for me and that he had not survived his injuries and had passed away just that very hour.

I was not at all sure what this meant exactly. My mind was in twenty thousand places. Taking care of the business, would I have a job still, how to tell Mary, when to fuck Mary, how to fuck Mary, how would Mary take the news, would I still have a job when I was done with Mary as well, did they really just say Mark was dead?

I thanked them I remember, that seemed odd, and I hung up the phone. I posted a message on the website about some extended downtime for our servers, put a new message on the company phone about the tragedy and how we would be closed for a few days for an emergency, and then I hung the closed sign and locked the door on my way out.

When I got back to the cabin, I was wondering how I should tell Mary. I walked downstairs and there she was still with that stick inside her and she was rocking back and forth on it as best she could.

“Master, I thought you would never come back. Will you please fuck me now?” she asked.

“Want me to fuck you like Mark?” I asked her.

You could hear the surprise in her voice when she asked, “Why would you mention that worthless fuck at this point? He is a limp noodle and cant fuck to save his life.”

“An interesting choice of words” I said, as I removed the stick from her pussy, pulled her hips up so that she was arched higher on the chair, I unzipped my pants and pulled my erect cock out and shoved its full length inside her, “given the fact he is dead now and all.”

“What do you mean he is dead?” she asked as she moved with my fucking motions now.

So I told her all about the accident and the phone call. She was silent the entire time. I don’t know why it was but telling her about her lover’s death while I was fucking her pussy just made me excited and I blew my load deep inside her wet pussy very quickly. I just laid my body across her back when I was done just letting all the cum seep into her pussy, I wanted it all inside her. Finally she just said to me, “You are serious aren’t you? He really is dead?”

I pulled out of her, zipped myself up and coldly just said “Yep!”

I walked in front of her and as she was picking her head up to look at me I leveled a slap across her left cheek and snapped her head to one side and stung the palm of my hand. “Now how does the little whore feel knowing she was enjoying getting off on a stick while her lover was dieing a thousand miles away? And don’t forget to call me Master next time you speak to me again!”

I then turned and walked out of the room leaving her in that very position for the rest of the day and night. At about 3am I woke up wanting a midnight snack. When I went to the kitchen I heard sobs coming from the basement. I realized then that it really was a ploy of hers before, pretending to enjoy the scenario so she could get away. I moved downstairs but stayed in the dark, no lights, and simply asked “Why are you crying now? Are you feeling like a whore now?”

“No….master” she said, “I was just thinking sir that I … five years of my life pretending to love him when I was really in love with someone else at the office.”

I laughed and just said, “Like you know what love even is. You get … and you think you are in love. Do you even know what you want?”

She quickly shouted out “I want you dammit.”

This quickly brought about another slap across the face to which she quickly countered with “I want you master, I want you”.

I simply answered her by saying, “Then enjoy your new life, because this is it. You are my … the rest of your life and you will live here in this basement forever. Now thank me the entire time I am fucking your pussy. And when I fill it with my cum, I want you to tell me I am the best fuck you have ever had and you cannot wait to have …

That night ended with a countless number of Thank you’s and the last 5 years have been the same thing…..

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