Blog do(a) Unquenchable



Land of the free?! I think not!

American sisters, my heart hurts for you all right now.

What kind of fucked up country protects and reinforces the rights of an angry man to walk into a school and blow the brains out of dozens of innocent lives, and yet the next week removes the right a woman has whether or not to carry life in her own body?!!

Be loud sisters!! And I beg you men who have any ounce of empathy for what that means for all women in the United States, PLEASE speak up for your mother, your sister, your daughters, your wives, your friends and family.. because mark my word, those conservative bastards won't quit , you'll soon see other laws changing to fit their ultra conservative views on gay marriage, trans issues, contraception etc... please don't be quiet, be counted and most importantly be educated with your votes!

  • treeman222: Thank you for posting that
  • ThisSassyLady: Very well put my sister.   This worldis no longer the same and seems itis going backwards OR doing the opposite of what we want.   Freedom of choice it’s 2022.  “Back alley”abortions is what they want to turnus back too.    I don’t think so 
  • Unquenchable: Exactly ThisSassyLady, women WILL die as a result of this. Because abortions wont stop, they will just be pushed underground and put people's health at risk. Don't these fucking old conservative pricks remember the days of coathanger backyard abortions?! But what really really makes me mad is that the States thinks it should take control over what a woman does with her body. I read a tweet this morning by MeganAnnD (no idea who she is) she wrote '4th of July is cancelled this year due to a shortage of independence.' Half spot on, men still have their guns.. its just the women who had their human rights taken away. The world is watching U.S... get your shit together!!
  • Unquenchable: ^ write to me privately if you have a question or problem.
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