Blog AskAnnie



Mature Male, South Carolina US

I have been a long time away from dating, so much so that I am leaving dinosaur 🦕 tracks everywhere I go. Today was the 3rd time in a week, where the lady disappeared right in the middle of a conversation without a single word ..POOF..vanished! Was it me? was dinner burning? 🔥, hubby came home? Nada, I got to believe it's me 'cause they never come back. So I left in the dark as to what I am doing wrong ...Any hints? I am not meeting anyone just spinning my wheels.

Oh, my dear, I do hope are you are referring to online conversations because if it's in the middle of a sit-down dinner, it's definitely your eating habits that need a review here. Assumingly though it's the online experience that's making you feel self-conscious and perhaps even a little anxious. Take it from this old bird, not everyone online is as they seem. The beauty of using a large dating website is that they have your back. By that I mean, they have seen every dating scam trick in the book, and when they see a sweet gentleman who perhaps is inexperienced in online dating being targetted by a phishing scammer they yank that bitch straight out of the conversation and dump them on the proverbial curb. So think of that disappearing act as your guardian angel - if they don't come back, it wasn't the dinner that was burning, it was their scam game.

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