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Dave, Schönbühl, Switzerland

"How important is the penis size for you. I think it helps when a man has good size but then it's about techniques."

I too used to be polite and say 'size doesn't matter, it's your technique that counts' until I fucked a really skinny short dick. Damn, that was a disappointing fuck and certainly not worth organizing babysitting for.

Ok, so let's be blunt, there IS a hierarchy and to make it clearer I've created my own 'Hot or Cold' penis thermometer:


Sad part of all this is, you are stuck with the penis that you are born with. Happy news is that sex isn't just about getting pleasure from sticking a penis in a vagina/anus.

That skinny cock didn't make me orgasm that night, poor little thing barely hit the sides however, he DID make me squirt and no man had succeeded in doing this previously. In my black book, that was a win. Even though I didn't get the good bang I was craving I felt like I had a new sex status, what squirting is to sex, speaking in tongues is to Pentecostals. I had my holy moment and I have no regrets.

Perhaps at the end of the day, we should stop putting expectations on sexual encounters stop chasing the orgasm, and see each as an opportunity to experience something new. A deeper connection, a softer kiss, a satisfying smack on the arse... there is so much more to sex than the length of a dick.

  • jhelm100: I like your ratings.  I have been told by women that I was big, but never believed them.  Now I see I
  • AskAnnie: Thank you Slipperydevil
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