


My reasons for being here

I'm not here to play games, to play with womens' hearts and emotions. No, my intentions are very sincere, honest and serious, so I hope noone will play with my heart and my dreams. I hope I will be met with honesty and the same respect I give.

I'm here to look for that which ultimately leads to Love and a relationship. At a forum like this, and with women from all over the world, it may most likely not be here, but - you never know - Love could be anywhere. I keep the door open for the possibility to find it here.

I came because I was curious, and to open this door too, for a possibility of meeting someone. There are several ways, paths, doors, yellow brick roads, and this forum is one of them.

Until I find Love here, or anywhere else, I am here to dream...

Among all, there is only one - and she will know it. I'm then only for her.

Don't get alarmed or shocked when I mention "Love." It is very common for people to fall in love on the internet and say "I love you." I do not judge them.

Be careful. Eventhough there is a real person on the other end, all we have are words on a screen and photos, with or without clothes, there can be clips. We use one of our five senses; sight. If there is sound we also use hearing.

In my opinion, that is not enough for genuine Love. For that, we must also use the sense of touch and smell and taste and experience the person we say and think we love, out in the physical world. Everything until that moment, is a fantasy, almost like a book we read and we fall in love with a character in the story. The only expectation we can have is of that first moment in the physical world. Everything else is only hopes and dreams. It is going to require a lot of effort to work on a continued relationship which could lead to Genuine Love. Evem working to that first meeting is going to require a lot of work, effort and comittment. The road to a relationship with deep, genuine love, is a road of blood, sweat, toil and tears.

If you find someone, here or on any other forum, that you connect with and begin to dream and hope with, meet as soon as possible, otherwise you are wasting your life. Find out as soon as possible if the online fantasy world is as good, or better, in the physical world. If it is, great! If it is disappointing, you have … a long time online for what?

That "Love" you feel, that online fantasy love, is a deep care for someone and a longing, and a hope, to one day meet him or her, and it is also a commitment, a commitment to give yourself to the other person and be true and honest, sincere and very serious. That commitment means that he or she can trust you and have no doubt about your intentions.

To trust someone you have met online is uncertain. You can never ever know if what he or she says is true and trustworthy. The only person you can trust is yourself.

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