


What's going on right now.

The journey to living a principle centered life is possible for everyone. You just need to believe in yourself and visualize the person you want to become.

Me? I want to build the future. I'm in school for a B.S. in IT, then an MBA.

I read daily, listen to audible every morning, use apps to learn code, study stocks and business finances, and keep a highly organized calendar.

The non-profit BMGF is where I work. Learning about human motivations and metaphysical psychology is my home.


Let's bring this down a notch. I love getting outside in the summer, exercising in the winter, living a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle, and spending time with my family.

I … (gasp! is that Zoosk suicide?) And if anyone is game, hopefully within the next 5 years? Hopefully sooner.

Why am I here? I would love to find someone as quirky as me, hopefully a professional of some sort, working on themselves, loving the world and desiring that 1:1 attention we all love and crave when our hearts are open.

I'm a back-massager, gift giver, birthday-rememberer, bath and candles afficiando, fit-dad-bod (not a dad yet!), deep thinking, huge-hearted, caring person who would absolutely love to spoil you as much as I can... while still respecting the fact you are your own person with unique, amazing thoughts, skills, social needs, and hobbies.

As long as we can learn and grow from shared experiences and deep understanding, we can achieve greatness, happiness, and true love.

I feel a curious, indepintrovert might be the best match. I can't resist a woman who takes her makeup off, throws her bra to the ground and challenges me to a wrestling match (or just jumps on my back like a cat).

A lazy outdoors lover would be perfect.

Brutal honesty aside, the ideal first date is intended to induce a sense of stability, trust, and mindfulness from the get go.

My ideal first date is rollerblading around Greenlake and direct conversation.

Oh... and sex is key. Maybe an offsite location, low key, no need for names if you don't want anything long term. I'm open to anything and everything (except my own butt). 😵

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