



Story Submission

Becca’s favorite taunt to her older brother  when they argued was “Kiss my ass!”  She’d even wiggle it as she strode away just to punctuate her “I win” attitude.

One debate that bubbled up between them while sharing a bottle of wine, ended up with that very same phrase… to which her brother replied, “I’d love to, you little brat. but first I think it needs a good spanking!”

He tossed her over his knee, paddled her hot little butt, then, he pulled down her shorts and panties and gave her a bare-assed spanking, as she shrieked and wriggled to get away.

At the same time, her effort to escape was becoming less and less a real one, because it all just felt so fucking good - the hot paddling, her ass in her brother’s hands, and her pussy wetter than it had ever been. Ever!!. None of her boyfriends ever had the balls to do something this delicious to her, and god how she prayed for it.

He eased up on her reddened behind, then said with a wicked tone, “Shall I kiss it now?”

Becca could only whimper. That said it all.

He leaned her over the kitchen table, her knees on his chair, and buried his face in her wet pussy and tight little ass’ pucker.  He would make her cum like no one else ever had, adding spanks in between lickings and tongue-fuckings, even spanking her heated clit to spike her orgasms.

By the time he let her finish riding the first sopping waves, all she could utter through her shallow brething was, “Fuck me, please.  Fuck me wherever you want. Just fuck me.”

And he did. Shameless, savage, deep, cum-dump fucked her Exactly as she needed.

The next time she said “Kiss my ass!” to her big brother, what it would really mean was “Kiss my ass… and then fuck it until I scream out my next orgasm.”


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