Blog di BigSexyJJr



I'm Calling On All My Friends And Followers To Be Real With Me...

My 3 month membership here on Fuckbook is officially about to come toward its' end on October 2nd.

Not going to lie, it was... quite a interesting, strangely pleasant and rather disappointing experience being a Premium member.

There wasn't much I was able to get done or accomplish while being on this site, but... at this point... I'm not mad or upset about it, just... disappointed.

It's like I clearly went wrong somewhere these last 3 months but again... I can't truly be mad or upset about it at all.

The one thing I'm going to miss about Fuckbook is the realness and authenticity of the users here ( yeah I know, SHOCKER that I all the sudden decided to truly and finally acknowledge that in all sincerity).

I just overreacted and got frustrated when I noticed I was making very little progress, or absolutely no progress at all.

Truth be told, I should've just kept a calm and relaxed mindset about things instead of lashing out when things weren't working out like I hoped they would.

But oh well! You live and you learn, am I right??

Anyway, that's enough about my personal fuckups and reflection and all that jazz for now.

Before the end of my Premium membership expires, I'm sending this blogpost out to see if anybody truly was actually engaging with my content throughout these past 3 months and honestly want for me to renew the membership just to stay here on Fuckbook.

In all honesty, if any of y'all truly fucked with me from day 1 and really have a compelling case on why you believe I should stay, then this might be your LAST CHANCE to do so.

This also might be the LAST CHANCE y'all have to be real with me and tell me how y'all feel and what y'all are really thinking and stuff like that.

And if this truly is the final time I'm here on this website...

Thanks for the time, energy and memories ( although there wasn't much to begin with anyway).

But uhhhhh.... Yeaaahhhh. That's about all I could say for now.

I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your night/day!

This is BigSexyJJr... signing off.

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