Soulstice का ब्लॉग



Wanna Date?

Well I would really want to blow you away with my creativity, so I would invite you to meet me for coffee. Meeting for coffee is a great inventive first date concept. You will be very impressed with my innovative imagination and atypical flair for unique ideas.

We shall meet in a one-of-a-kind unknown coffee shop. A great example would be the small independent coffee franchise i.e; Starbucks. A Starbucks coffee shop may be hard to find because there are so few and they are in such secluded areas, but if you can find this exclusively distinctive café, it will definitely add to the originality of the first date.

Or..we could go out for I know what you’re thinking… “No, no this is TOO extreme! That's such an over-the-top crazy idea.” But trust me, once you get over the initial shock and agree to try something new, you might actually enjoy this totally unique and inventive date idea.

The concept is simple, just take a deep breath, stay focused and you will do fine. First, we will find a restaurant nearby that can accommodate 2 people at one table during the dinner hours (usually 5-8 pm) and proceed to take you there. Once seated at a table, I will typically examine the menu and choose something from the menu that I would like to eat. And you would do the same, then tell the waiter our choices. Within minutes the waiter will bring us out what we ordered and will then eat the food. As an added bonus, we will engage in conversation while out to dinner (avoid talking with food in your mouth). When we are finished eating, I will pay for the meals. Extra points are gained if either of us are hungry at this point of the date.

Worried there are no places we can go out to dinner? Well I will let you in on a secret little hole-in-the-wall spot with tons of privacy, great ambiance, and gourmet meal choices. We could try eating under the beautiful … arches of McDonald's. You will be very impressed at the variety of cuisine and the bright yellow and red plastic booths will definitely create a romantic atmosphere.

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