Le Blog de dlove_rm



The Cabin

It was a blustery cold frigid day outside, and unfortunately inside was not much warmer. Jack was trying to start a fire in the fireplace, but his cub scout training was not coming back to him 30 years later and he was not having much success. Jack thought it would be romantic, might spark some desire in his wife Melissa if they escaped to a cabin in the mountains for the weekend. A nice romantic getaway. He had arranged everything, or so he thought. He booked the cabin, bought provisions to eat and drink, even packed a bag for both of them. After 12 years of marriage it was going to be a getaway just for them. Something they hadn’t had since the honeymoon.

Only how do you start a darn fire. What Jack hadn’t planned on was the winter weather coming in a week early and them almost not even making it to the cabin. Fortunately they arrived only to find out all power had been knocked out and the only source of heat would be a fire……IF he could get one lit. Even with Melissa spouting directions and guidance, Jack still could not get the fire going. Finally, exhausted from trying, and in Melissa’s eyes, more cursing than trying, Jack gave up and went to unload the car. When he returned there was a nice roaring fire and all Jack could do again was mumble and curse under his breath. This weekend was not off to a good start he could tell.

But Melissa sensed this and she was following Jack to the door and welcomed him with a BIG KISS full on the lips. This started to warm Jack up immediately…..and when they moved back closer to the fire…..well the fire was not ALL that Melissa had started on. Jack thought it was odd that Melissa insisted on wearing her long dresscoat all the way to the cabin in the car, but he wasn’t going to argue with her. She obviously knew what she wanted. What he didn’t know is that Melissa had a plan of her own once at the cabin.

Melissa had started the fire, but she also spread the bear skin run out in front of the blaze, poured out 2 glasses of wine, and removed her coat to reveal a most provocative negligee for the evening. Jack was quite taken aback and all Melissa would say was, “I want to thank you properly for planning such a wonderful getaway for us. I think this is excellent, and I am sure you will think THIS is is excellent too”.

Before Jack knew what was happening, Melissa had his pants unbuttoned and unzipped, his shirt off his back, and was pushing him down to remove his boots and remaining items of clothing. It was obvious she had a healthy sexual appetite and she was HUNGRY. And Jack was going to be the main course.

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