Blog de Unquenchable



In the news today....Indian woman arrested after cutting stalker's penis off

An Indian woman cut off the genitals of a man who had been stalking her, before rushing him to a hospital to save his … the 47-year-old woman and two men lured her neighbour to an isolated spot in Mumbai before hacking off his penis.

“We have arrested the woman and two accomplices and she has accepted it was her plan to chop off the stalker’sHe said the 27-year-old neighbour had sought sexual favours from the woman - a mother of two -and told her husband he was in love with her, which led to a fight between the couple.

The woman was allegedly helped by two young men in the neighbourhood. They contacted the victim and lured him to an industrial zone on Tuesday, the officer added.

The woman allegedly took the lead in cutting off the victim’s genitals in the street before rushing him to hospital.

“We recovered the knife and genitals and all three accused are … Kabdule said. private parts because of his constant harassment,” Senior Inspector Gajanan Kabdule told … not identified the woman or the stalker.

Media reports said the injured man underwent life-saving surgery.

“The man is stable now and recuperating in hospital but his family is in shock,” Kabdule said

as published-


  • YarmouthAndy: Ouch. Another John Wayne Bobbitt.
  • Unquenchable: Likely true @11inch given the culture in India, however she also showed premeditation since she took two men with her in order to ambush him.
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