Support's Blog



Communication for Pleasure

This blog is for the average Joe and the Jane Doe. The real (non sex industry) people who come here with different hopes and expectations but essentially for the same reasons, to meet other real people whether it be online or face to face.

It seems common for the two sides (male and female) to be frustrated with one another. The males are frustrated that the real girls don’t bother to respond to their messages and they feel ignored. The females are sick of the same messages, poorly written with unwanted dick photos attached.

So here are my tips for both:


Would it really hurt you to take the time to reply? After all he is desperately seeking ‘real’ women, and how frustrating it is for him to not get any response when he finally finds the treasure he has been searching for.

For just a moment let’s forget his bad manners, the dick photos you didn’t ask for and the way he possibly writes to you like you owe it to him to see your hidden photos. Let’s just talk common courtesy; a simple response even if you are not interested. Here’s a few I can suggest for when you get the unwanted dick photos message from the guy you have never spoken a word to;

“Oh nice surprise… I usually like to know a guy’s name before I look at his dick”

“Thanks for the message, how about an introduction rather than a photo?”

“Thanks, but I prefer a conversation before I swap photos with someone.”

It’s really not about whether you are interested or not. It’s about acknowledging his message and showing that you are a lady and not rude or arrogant. Keep it honest but polite. I suspect most men will appreciate you being upfront and if you politely tell them you aren’t interested they will leave you in peace.


Let me just get it out of the way… if you have never spoken to a girl previously, don’t send a dick photo as your introduction. Can you imagine opening up a private message and un-expectantly seeing a massive dick (some not so pretty) in front of you. I realize this is adult dating, but you need to think about how the girl would like to be approached if you are going to have any hope attracting her attention and enjoying her company. Opening emails and seeing a dick pic is like being flashed on the street by a stranger. Occasionally you might see one you would enjoy seeing but the majority of the time it’s going to be a turn off simply because the timing is wrong and the girl doesn’t know you from a bar of soap.

Secondly, please check your spelling and grammar. You don’t need to be a rocket scientist.. But “Coz” is not a word, nor is it endearing. Take the time to write full words and sentences. Why? Because the girl you are writing to gets lots of messages and it could be the thing that sets you above the rest.

Examples of bad pick-up lines or introductions:

“That’s a nice nipple” or “Nice tits”

“Would you like to see me cum for you on cam sexy?”

“Hey Princess, where are you from?” (Read my profile)

“u $kkype?”

The moral of the blog is that if the ‘real’, everyday people are going to increase and take this site back from the cam girls, scammers and fakes we need to be nicer to one another. We need to treat one another with respect. If something happens that is inappropriate and against the rules by all means report the user to our Support profile.

In closing, Guys if you are really interested in picking up girls put on your gentleman hat and court her. Remember the way into her bed is through her head; and girls if you don’t want to die an old, regretful, single maiden be kind and gracious; for you never know if your Prince Charming just made a blunder with his first impression and he is worth a second glance after all.

  • lighthorseman76: Great tips
  • rainydaygirl: Horse you hit the nail on the head. Well said
  • InsatiableDebauchery: Lucky lady when she finds u x
  • ibweezal: I agree! Great blog!
  • dontpanicimorganic: men men men abnd our libidos.. lover boys each and everyone... natures calling.. ..if you arent just a caveman or a overcharged pure pulsating membrane wwhose hormnes have hijacked their intlligence... thinking to fgo off this site.. so far na=ot a thing except people tryng to get me to pay and regeister into a chatroom an emaiol another website.. so much game playing by false people behing these photos that this site is almost not not seeming real.. it was ndeed a case of overexcited momentary chance ny libdo took when it entered fuckbook ...thinking well just maybe..ou never know.. to many working girls these days.. an di dont blame or hate them.. ..remains to be seen remains to be seen.. a lill etiquette manners respect for the other person.put a little more heart and mindfllness into it.. and the legitimate (if there are any ) girls and guys will appreciate and maybe hook up ..good advice thanks for tryng to clear up all the nonsense.
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