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Are men really that stupid? They can't read a simple profile before spamming the hell out of someone. When a profile clearly says NO MEN, they think they can still request friendship, I mean really now. I know that men from other country's might have a problem with it because they can't read English, but come on now are the men here in the US really that stupid as well? It clearly says in my profile, "NO MEN don't ask for friendship, you will be blocked" and yet I wake up to 18 friends requests all from men....WTF? You men really need to read profiles before you start SPAMMING friends requests. Because I will start reporting you as Spam.

  • Dragonsgirl: Thanks Sapphire, at least I know you understand what I'm going through. I'll text you later.
  • Dragonsgirl: If google did it right this should be what she said....yes, you're unfortunately right - men are pretty stupid most of them anyway - just weak not controlled.
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