Dragonsgirl's Blog



Does anyone....

Really take any of this serious? I mean really, you say you want this and that but when it comes down to it...Do you really want it? So many of you add me as friends and yet hardly ever talk to me. Then I get all these men that want to add me, after my profile says no men. Makes me wonder if this is turning into Facebook, where you want to see how many friends you can have on your list and not care about anything.

So if you are really serious about this and want to stay on my friends list where we can have fun and do things, then let me know...because I am not going to be adding anyone else unless you inbox me the reason why you want to be my friend and what kinky stuff we could do together.

If your on my friends list, start talking to me, start telling me what kind of kinky stuff you want to do...otherwise I'm going to have to start deleting friends because I'm here to hook up, meet people and have fun doing kinky stuff.

sexy kisses

  • Dragonsgirl: Yep, can't stand it. Would just love to meet new people and have a good time with.
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