Blog uživatele dlove_rm



Meeting a Friend

A day at the office…..

It was an extremely warm summer day and she had just sat down at her office to do some much needed work and even more needed organizing. She thought to herself there is no way she would ever be able to get it all done. Not only did she need to get it all done, but she needed to before the afternoon as she had a dear friend coming in for a visit and she did not want to be trapped in her office all day and away from the friend. It was very nice of her husband to build this office onto the house for her, that way she could save the commute time and work from home and have a lot more time to herself. So her day began. Every time she went to organize something, her boss would call. Or a meeting would pop up. Or some other part of her life would distract her. Before she new it, the phone rang and her friend was here. “Well this isn’t the way the day needed to go” she told herself. She greeted her friend at the door and he came on into the home office, oh yes, did I mention her friend was male? They had been good friends for years and stayed in touch off and on over the years, exchanging emails, texts, sexual inuendos and misc. comments. Oh there was nothing romantic between the two, just harmless fun and flirting. She casually joked about having so much work still left to do (knowing full well that it was true) but to her surprise, he simply said “Where would you like me to start helping?” She played it off as though he were joking, but he could obviously see the piles of paperwork on her desk, and cabinet, and computer, and phone, and floor. He knew she was needing some assistance. So he pushed up his sleeves and said “No seriously, how can I help?” So she set him busy sorting papers, filing paperwork away, making copies and stuffing envelops. I don’t think she ever noticed his casual glances her way. The way he would quickly look away when she would move, hoping he would not be caught staring at her. He had more than just a flirtatious nature with her. Secretly he had this longing desire to hold her, kiss her, tell her his feelings for her, and care for her. She could never know though. She is a married woman he keeps telling himself. His passion for her MUST be put on the back burner. Its not fair to him, but it is also not fair to her or her husband that he feels this strongly for her.

The day progressed and before long, early evening had set in. The piles of paperwork were quickly being reduced to just a few much needed sheets of paper here and there. These were her necessary forms that she could not do with (but had been for several days since she couldn’t find them). He had rescued her from what surely would have been two or three more days of work. She offered that they should retire to the house where it was more comfortable, cooler, and that the idea of dinner sounded quite appealing. He agreed and they were off. She led the way and he was VERY grateful as this gave him plenty of time to watch her walk in front of him. She had this curve hugging short sleeve t-shirt on that hugged her ample breasts very nicely. She was short and thin, well – petite would be an excellent description. Especially compared to his height and size. Oh he was well proportioned, over six feet tall, good physique, muscular, athletic, and also smart and a great sense of humor. It was his sense of humor that she liked the most about him. No matter what, he could always make her laugh. A quality very rare to find in a lot of men she thought. He was busy staring at her backside, oh alright at her very nice heart shaped ass, when she suddenly, out of nowhere, spun around and asked whether he would prefer to order in pizza or cook out on the grill. However, before he could answer, she saw exactly where his eyes had been locked, and before he could say another word, she spun back around and said, yep – I like pizza also. And they were off into the house.

What he could not see as they walked in was the very pleasing smile that spread across her face for she also had this fantasy going in her mind about her friend. They had been exchanging some texts, some sexts, and some strong sexual innuendo had been introduced as well.

She now had the advantage. She knew what was on his mind, and she knew what was on her mind. He only knew his mind. But what would she do with this new found advantage? She asked him politely what he liked on his pizza for toppings. He started saying something, she honestly had no idea, she didn’t really care. She grabbed the phone and pushed several buttons and said as she left the room “Go ahead and have a seat, I will get this taken care of” and then she left the room. He sat on the couch and waited patiently, with the picture of her beautiful body in his mind. Amazingly, in his mind, she had on skimpier clothing options. He didn’t mind at all though. She came back a few minutes later saying that that had been taken care of. She then sat down next to him on the couch and said “ok so lets chat, what did you think of my ass?” He may not have been eating or drinking but he choked suddenly. How on earth does he answer this one? “Ummm – its very nice???” he said. Suddenly he was very much aware that his pants were getting very tight, he was bulging and she noticed this too. He quickly shifted to try and hide this fact from her but it was useless, she saw it before he even noticed. However, his shifting made it easier for her to start rubbing his shoulders, so she did. Saying it was payment for helping her get thru that grueling stack of papers and she was extremely grateful. Her touch was so wonderful, and relaxing, he had no idea what he was doing when he suddenly realized he just asked her “oh yeah, how grateful are you?” She smiled largely now and simply responded “Why Del, what do you have on your mind? As if I couldn’t tell already!!” They both were smiling now and out of nowhere he turned around on the spot and locked his lips to hers and leaned her back on the couch. To his surprise she wrapped her arms around him and returned the kiss. They continued the passionate kiss for quite some time, both were amazed at how wonderful the kiss felt, how each other seemed to be the perfect match for their own kiss.

It was at this point in time that she was surprised. She did not expect Del to become quite so aggressive. Not in a violent way but more in a passionate way. Or was she surprised more because she eagerly accepted his aggressiveness. Del twisted around and now his bulge was firmly against her thigh. He had both of her wrists seized in his firm but sensual grasp and had them stretched above her head. This position allowed her wonderful mounding breasts to stick straight up and Del certainly liked the sight of these. Now both of her wrists were in one of Del’s hands and his other hand was caressing her cheek, and sliding down to gently grope her left breast. It was the most perfect thing his hand had ever held and now his bulge was firm against her thigh. She was feeling herself moisten between her legs and she was pushing her breast firmly into his hand and now she realized he was gently kissing her neck, sliding his tongue along the edge of her ear and gently sucking on her tender, soft, wonderful ear lobe. All she could say was “Yes….yes…..yes”. The next thing she knew Del was rubbing her moist mound thru her jeans. She always wore jeans – he never understood that. He had seen her in shorts only a few times but he always thought she had killer legs. She welcomed his touch and spread her legs slightly so he could get a better rub. She didn’t want to move her legs though because now she could no longer feel his erection against her thigh. She liked the way his firmness felt. But it would not be long until he was rubbing his jeans against her jeans, his erection against her wetness. It was the greatest feeling either of them had felt in a very long time. And then fell into an embrace with one another as they continued.

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