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tantric sex online: is it possible? The eye gazing tantric exercise

The practice is known as tantric sex and involves techniques meant to enhance the spiritual aspect of sex. Tantric eye gazing is one technique. During the exercise, you look deeply into your partner's eyes to foster a spiritual and sexual connection.

Tantra is an ancient philosophy based on Hinduism and Buddhism. Its origins are unknown, but some experts believe it was created between 3,000 and 5,000 years ago in India.

The practice is about achieving spiritual enlightenment. This may be done through meditation, mantras, and rituals, including yoga and sex. The purpose is to connect with your own energy on a deeper level.

In the late 1900s, tantra became popular in America and Europe. However, it was interpreted as a sex practice rather than a whole-life approach. The practice is known as tantric sex and involves techniques meant to enhance the spiritual aspect of sex.

Tantric eye gazing is one technique. During the exercise, you look deeply into your partner’s eyes to foster a spiritual and sexual connection.

There are many ways to do eye gazing. Here’s one method:

Sit in a comfortable position and face your online partner.

Set a timer for your desired amount of time. Look into your partner’s eyes.

Breathe deeply and allow yourself to … Keep your gaze soft and try not to look away.

Break your gaze when the timer goes off.

For some, eye gazing might feel uncomfortable at first. If so, start with a shorter session. Practice eye gazing for 30 seconds, then increase your session over time. Most tantric practitioners recommended eye gazing for 10 to 20 minutes.

Although eye gazing is a common tantric technique, its exact origins are unclear. If it was part of the original teachings, it may be thousands of years old.

As a tantric sex exercise, eye gazing may have a shorter history. The sexual interpretation of tantra became popular in the 1960s, when books were published on the topic. The books covered many tantric techniques, which may have included eye gazing.

If you’d like to deepen your bond with another person, try eye gazing. It involves staring into each other’s eyes for an extended amount of time. The practice can increase trust and intimacy, plus help you understand each other’s emotions.

To start, try eye gazing with your partner for 30 seconds. Keep your gaze soft and relaxed. As you become more comfortable with the practice, you can increase your sessions to 10 to 20 minutes.

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