maggie2586's Blog



… Protesters Commemorating … Shooting Death

… the Greek capital fired tear gas Monday at protesters attacking them with rocks and petrol bombs on the second anniversary of a … of a teenager.ugg boots uk sale

Several thousand … deployed in Athens and traffic was banned from the city center as young people set fire to trash cans and smashed shop windows during a rally near the main buildings of Athens … at least 33 of the estimated 4,000 protestors.

The Associated Press reported that several hundred people left flowers and candles at a vigil Monday night at the spot where the teenager was killed.

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The death of … Alexandros Grigoropoulos on December 6, 2008, sparked riots in several Greek cities. Young people rampaged through the streets of Athens almost nightly for two weeks, burning cars, smashing windows and clashing with … 5809

A Greek court found … responsible for the … death guilty of … and sentenced him this year to life in prison. A second officer was convicted of complicity and given a 10-year term.

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