stiffpoles's Blog



For Inconsiderate Asses Everywhere

I can't believe some guy just tried to hoe me out in a message on here. Thought cyber bullying was over....I guess assholes will always be close. But instead of coming down to your level, here is a picture of my sexy ass!


This is my ass and you may kiss it! The next time you feel like you need to release some pent up aggression, take yourself AWAY from any other decent human being. You acted like a rebellious teenager trying to get attention. I mean come on, it's on the internet. You came at me pretty harshly and it was very uncalled for and completely untrue. I'm a sexy ass guy! Have you seen that cute butt in the picture above? Was today opposite day and I didn't receive the memo? More than likely, the real reasoning is that you are a provincial, disrespectful, caveman and there is no reason for behavior like that.....especially because YOU DON'T KNOW ME!!! lol

But it's ok, I wish you nothing but the best in life and here is a little something that I think you can use more than me at this point in life. So please use this little bit of......


~Take care Butt_luver_69 ~

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