theonecumbunniBritt 近期在线

(39) 在 Fayetteville, North Carolina 寻找 男性.

我用 Icebreaker 来跟别人联系。

Icebreaker 有助于跟我有兴趣的新会员联系。

U know i see chicks here that have boob jobs but have a kangaroo pouch hanging over their pussy. I think what a waste. Like putting tits on a dog.... A waste.
U know what Im gonna get fucked just as hard as and as much as i WANT no sub. No nextimes. It is what it is damnit
Why do ppl keep being disrespectful assholes. When they know u tried and gave what was humanely possiably ur hardest.
  • savy64u2: Unfortunately, some people are so unhappy with themselves that they just dump it on everyone else everyday
  • BobbyG4631: said it..disrespectful assholes! 
I don't know if everyone else thinks there is gonna be a rise in unplanned pregnancies in the next few months.
  • treeman222: Oh yes 
  • BobbyG4631: Shit, i'm gonna look for the nearest drive thru vasectomy clinic!! #noswimmersplease
  • theonecumbunni: I hear ya. I got fixxed not very long ago aswell
I gear that song queens dont and laugh. Queens may not but a country gal will b4 u even realize its even been done right. I go to church i love to camp and hunt and fish. And 9x outta ten My 38 strap