If you see a profile name with a "C" in a square, it is an ad created by Fuckbook, "to create stimulating conversation", and not a real live person. I contacted them and they actually told me.
男 (55) 在 Anderson, Indiana 寻找 女性, 情侣.
我不用 Icebreaker 来跟别人联系。
Icebreaker 有助于跟我有兴趣的新会员联系。
Ladies, how would you like to be "Ana" and have your own "50 Shades"experience with two men at the same time? We're experienced. We host in Anderson. Afternoons and early evenings work best.
This site is like a treasure hunt...you know there are gems here, but damn they are hard to find real ones.
Are there any real people looking to have fun.........?