Anny64 的博客



Dinner time.

Last night i went out with a long time no see friend, we had a very fun night and talked a lot, one thing led to another and... he asked me what do i do for a living since i seem to be alright even thouht i quit college long ago. Of course, i dint answer, what is obviously written on my face, so, i only left my lips to do the talk on him...


  • reapers1119810: Hot damn, very sexy and stunning too 💋💋💋
  • Haykal7: It’s amazing
  • tfranquiz28: Very beautiful. I want to take you to dinner. But I want to eat what’s between your legs. Yum
  • Short1y: you are a gourmet food
  • Thundersex88: Todo un bocato di Cardinale
  • Thundersex88: Eres todo un bocato di Cardinale
  • Puga11442246: Wooo eres mi tentación corazón 💦👅🔥💦👅🔥
  • kkPatrik: pretty hotttie yum