KittysPipas 的博客



What so funny about a peace, love and understanding

For real, for real!

What so funny about Peace, love & Understanding?

I'm not talking tree hugging and drug consumption to connect to outer existence, nah, not today. In this exact moment take it to reflect that you are here right now with me as I now am writing it to talk this with you.

I'm talking for your self! Yes, you, big guy with the dick in your hand, Yes you! Anyone who is reading this know I feel your presents.

Leave your active emoji below and your thoughts of how you can maintain peace love and understanding for yourself.

It's all about you and how you react, respond to an action from the outer senses, and how you internalize it into your choose creation from lesson learned or not learned. Does it trigger you? Then go with in and remember when was the first time you can remember reactions that way and why. Be honest yet don't blame. Take full accountability of every action thought and judgment. You got this it's okay to feel some kind of way and yet still do the right things for you and accepting the consequences that it will produce.

So what's so funny about Peace, love and understanding, well silly start laughing at mistakes and be can be better prepared to forgive yourself with peace love and understanding. It all starts with you. For everything you do for yourself is projected into the energy and balances for all.
