Man (57) från Hurst, Texas söker Kvinna.

Jag använder inte Icebreaker för att komma i kontakt med andra.

Icebreaker hjälper till att komma i kontakt med nya medlemmar som jag är intresserad av.

Om Bl1nk13

Vad är Karma?

Brons, silver och guldkronor

Kronorna i medlemsprofilerna återspeglar anseende och uppförande på plattformen. Dessa utdelas naturligt genom ett aktivt medlemskap, bidrag genom bloggar, kommentarer, statusar och bilder; samt anseendepoäng som ges eller dras av beroende på hur andra medlemmar samverkar med din profil och dess innehåll.

Du kan undvika att skada ditt anseende genom att interagera trevligt och respektfullt med andra profiler, använda din profil med ärligt uppsåt och att inte bryta mot några av webbplatsens uppföranderegler.

Hur ofta dricker du
Vit / Kaukasisk
Om mig
I'm feeling horny just like you - why waste that by being alone? Discretion required. DDF. Won't send money or give credit card info (so don't ask). Satisfaction guaranteed (along with sale of swamp land in Florida). Prefer to meet, not just chat or exchange pictures.

"Casual Sex" to me simply means that we're not getting married. I'm looking for fun and passion, but you are not just an object of desire. I expect that there will be mutual respect for each other. We are investing time and energy in a pleasurable experience together. Along those lines, when either of us decides we're done with the relationship, there should not be any parting barbs or digs or other actions or words designed specifically to make a difficult parting even more stressful (no drama, please). We know why we are here, there should be no surprises at the end.

Age difference is not a barrier for me. I've had no complaints from the younger set (except, perhaps, that I talk too much). Most of the profiles I've seen here are for women much younger than I am. Also, most of the younger respondents want my money rather than my company. I won't give out my credit card over the internet to you or to your web site. I'm happy to make arrangements to satisfy your security and mine, but it won't involve a hook up ID, a hook up badge or anything like that.

If you've read this far, I applaud you. You should consider at least sending me a message asking about whatever I've left out. I'm serious about sex, but I want to have fun doing it.
5 eller fler
163-170 cm
700 000 - 1000 000 kr
Gemensamma intressen
Böcker/Diskutera, Camping, Äta ute, Konst, Idrotta
Software Engineer
På sidan för
Tillfällig sex, Diskret förhållande
Sexuella intressen
1 med 1 sex, Trekant
...and you may miss it
Har förhållande och söker diskret nöje

Bl1nk13 söker efter

Aldrig, Sällan, Slutat
Asiatisk, Vit / Kaukasisk, Östindisk, Spansktalande, Indisk, Latino, Medelhavet, Mellanöstern, Blandad
Om mina Matchningar
Positive outlook, wants sex, willing to take steps to be discreet, DDF, no drama at end of relationship regardless of length or intensity
Witty, musician, hair shoulder length or longer, fit

Realization that any relationship, no matter how casual, requires some investment in terms of time and energy, politeness and recognition of each others desires and expectations. I'm ready for that, are you? Sexual pleasure is not just about the act itself, but the actions before and after. Hit me up, you won't regret it.

Caveat on regret: Beware of any intrinsic guilt associated with "cheating" on your significant other. I can't help you with that other than to make our experience as pleasant and as discreet as possible.

Still reading? Wow, I should set up a pay pal a c c o u n t or something
Seriously, though, I'd be pleased if you just sent me a message expressing some interest - even more pleased if we got together to experience mutual orgasm.
140 cm eller mindre, 141-150 cm, 151-160 cm, 161-170 cm, 171-180 cm
Jag söker
Aldrig, Sällan, Slutat