craigryan558 Online recent

bărbat (49) din Gautier, Mississippi caută femeie.

Nu folosesc Icebreaker ca să intru în legătură cu alții.

Icebreaker mă ajută să contactez noi membri care mă interesează.

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I would like to take a minute and thank all the ones that friended. But it's not worth 30 a month to stay on here. In 4 days I will sign off for good. Thank you
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Also ladies instead of out of the clear blue of BLOCKING SOMEONE!!! Tell them at least WHY YOU ARE BLOCKING THEM....
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From now on if you are on here just to see how many friends count you can. Please let people know that so they want waste their time. If you are one that doesn't want to chat. Let us know so we no tex
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