Blogul lui Skr0pe



Fuck Bots - That's why FuckBook is Great

And no, I do not mean sex robots. I am talking about the slack ass excuses for chat bots that are the majority of interactions on other sites (which shall remain nameless).


Though I do not find it easy to meet and sleep with people here, I will always vouch for the authenticity and quality of the user population. No rose colored glasses, I realize we are on the internet, but this site has Actual Real People! (Some of y'all are too real sometimes, but hey... something for everyone around here )

Guys - want to know a good way to evaluate a profiles authenticity? If you hit up a hot ass chick and she ignores the fuck out of you, (Hi Lilvixxen!) she is probably legit!

If fewer attractive women respond than do not, the site probably has actual attractive women as users. For those guys who don't know what I mean, keep killing it and get some for the rest of us!

Anyway, I think I will start posting some of these interactions here. Maybe I can get the bots to say some funny shit. Who knows...?



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