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The Perfect Wife by Ninja

It was the spring of my senior year in college and my father let me know in no uncertain terms, I needed to come home with a diploma and a fiance. I would then start the process of running the family interests and that job required the perfect wife on my arm.

I had no shortage of girlfriends, I was extremely rich, good looking, popular, athletic. I had it all. I still do have it all. Life is very good to some of us - and there is no reason not to take advantage of the lucky cards we get.

I thought of all the girls I dated and decided that Susan was my best bet. She was pretty and reasonably intelligent. More importantly, she seemed to have no strong will of her own. She had never disagreed with me and rarely even ventured an opinion. She would go out with me anytime I asked her to - dropping anything.

She had had a strict upbringing and a very dominating father who had spanked her whenever she got out of line. Those same parents had made it clear that her job in school was to find a husband, a rich husband. She desperately wanted it too - a rich husband was her escape for a pointless life like that of her mother.

She enjoys what I give her. We have had weekend trips where she is treated like a princess. Flying into Aspen in a private jet, taking a limousine everywhere, she loved being pampered by everyone around her.

And at the same time, when we would go on those trips she would pretend to not notice when I would hit up a pretty waitress and then disappear for a half hour with her. She accepted the trade-off of my screwing other women on our trips in return for the rich life.

So I invite her to dinner. Or rather, I tell her. I have delivered to her sorority a package with what I want her to wear tonight. There is a note telling her to wear what is in the box and to be ready at 7:30. No asking, just telling her what to do. I know she'll do it.

First in the package is a note giving her a 2 hour appointment at a salon that caters to the very rich. In there they wax her - not just her legs, but her pussy hair too. I have heard that it is very painful but I am sure she accepts it.

They then do her makeup and hair, never asking her what she wants. And she never gives any directions since she is never asked. Her hair is fancy but wild. Her makeup is also classy but very seductive and heavy. It is hard to see her face under all the makeup.

She goes back to her sorority and dresses. First is the corset. It is so tight that she needs to have her roommate help her fasten it. Once it's on she can hardly breathe. Then comes the stockings and heels. The heels are so high that she can't stand without holding on to something. She takes them back off.

There is no bra or underwear. She's used to being without that around me. In fact, it's an almost constant rule. One time I made her dress in a short skirt and no underwear on a windy spring day and had her carry all of her books to classes that day. With all the books she could not hold her skirt down everywhere and she ended up flashing people across campus.

Next comes the dress. An elegant black full-length number, it buttons up the front so she slips it on and starts to button it. The corset makes it hard to bend a little and the dress is skin tight, so again she needs to have her roommate help her dress. Her roommate starts to button the dress.

When it gets near her breasts, the dress won't close all the way, it is too small. Her roommate skips that and continues down. The same thing happens when it gets to her hips. Her roommate skips that and continues down. As the roommate buttons it to the bottom, she realizes that there is almost no extra room, Susan will have to take very tiny steps.

Susan's roommate tries again to close the dress at her breasts and in front of her pussy. But the dress is just too small. The gap at her breasts runs from the top to the bottom of her cleavage, opening at the middle until it almost shows her tits.

Even worse is her pussy. It's a smaller gap. But from the right angle, if the light shines in, there's her bare pussy on full display. The shadow inside the dress is the only thing providing some protection for Susan's modesty.

Susan's roommate tries to talk her out of wearing this dress, or of putting an overcoat on. But Susan cannot be dissuaded. This is what I want her to wear and so she will wear it.

Next come the gloves, which are thin lace-like material and go up almost to her shoulders. At the wrist there are little buckles which, when fastened make it impossible to take them off.

While the gloves look normal, the fingers are sewn together and the thumb tip is sewed to the finger tip. So Susan has almost no use of her hands - but only she realizes it, not one else can tell.

She then puts on the final item in the box, a beautiful diamond choker. It fits very tight around her neck making it even harder to breathe. The corset is forcing shallow breathes and the choker now restricts how much air can be breathed in in each breath.

In addition, even though the choker is not large, it is so tight it forces Susan to keep her head up. She puts her shoes back on and totters in them while holding on to the wall. Her roommate buckles the shoes. Susan cannot bend over so she is now in these shoes until someone else takes them off.

Susan totters out to the lobby on her roommates arm. One boy is waiting in the lobby for his date and he just stares unable to move. Here comes this gorgeous woman, dressed in this elegant evening gown, her breasts almost completely exposed, a hint of her pussy in the other opening in the dress, with the most elegant made up face and hair.

And it was clear that she was barely able to move. With the gloves fastened on her hands and the fingers sewn shut, she could not remove any of her clothes. The corset and dress made it very hard for her to move or even breathe. And forget bending.

The shoes made it almost impossible to walk. But if she fell over, she could never get up without help.

I showed up about 10 minutes late - on purpose. By this time a ton of guys had "come over" for various reasons, so they could see Susan standing there. A few talked to her, as did a few of her sorority sisters. But talking was hard for her because she could barely breathe.

So she mostly stood there and they stared at her. And she knew they were staring at her. She knew what they were thinking of her. And she simply accepted this.

I show up apologizing for being late and give her a hug and a kiss. I can see some of the girls want to point out that this is not acceptable, that I cannot treat Susan this way. But I look at them and I can see them think about how much money I have, how much power, how their future could be affected by me. And no one says anything.

I look at Susan and through the makeup I can see it in her eyes. She is suffering. By tomorrow morning everyone at school will hear the stories and they will all know - she will do anything I ask. Anything. And she does not want people to think this - to know this. I can see the plea in her eyes, to please rescue her from this.

I lean over to give her another kiss by her ear and whisper to her "Susan darling, please put your wrists together behind your back."

I can see her look up at me questioning with her eyes. I stare back at her coldly. The questioning turns to worry and her arms slowly move back behind her. Her back is to the wall so all anyone really sees is her shoulders go back and her breasts push out.

I reach behind her with one hand and fumbling with the strap on the wrist of each glove, I get the small hook tied into each strap and hook her wrists together. To anyone looking at her, it looks like she is just holding her hands behind her back. But they're hooked together - and Susan cannot undo them.

I look at her face again and I see the beginning of fear. "on't worry Susan darling, I will take care of you" I whisper softly. "You are doing exactly what I want and I love you for it." She smiles nervously at me.

"Let's go darling" I say and lead her out holding her arm since she can no longer steady herself and without my hold, she would fall over in the 5" heels. I walk out knowing that a lot of the guys in there will be thinking of her when fucking their girlfriends tonight. Good.

We get to the lomosuine and I pick her up and help her slide in. She cannot bend enough to sit up because of the dress, but I have a seat set to lie back. I place her in it and then belt her in with a belt across her lap and another across her chest. She is now immobolized in the car.

I start stroking her breasts and then reach in and finger her pussy. "Susan, I love the fact that you'll do anything for me" I tell her. She looks up at me wondering what's coming next. "All of my other girlfriends have limits, things they won't do - but not you."

I can feel her start to respond to my fingering her clit. I undo a couple of buttons by her boobs so I can reach in under the dress and squeeze her boob. For some reason that really turns her on.

"Everyone in the sorority could see that you were tied up for me. Everyone could see your boobs almost falling out of your dress. Everyone could get peeks of your cunt. And everyone knew that you did this just because I expected it."

I can see it in her eyes. This hurts, that she is letting me do anything I want to her. "What, what do you want" she whispers to me.

I smile at her and keep frigging her clit.

"Steve, please tell me what you want" she begs.

"I want you to cum, cum for me like a little slut" I tell her.

She looks hurt. She starts to open her mouth but the says nothing. I can feel her starting to push back against my fingers rubbing her clit.

I lean over and kiss her all over her face. Her lips, her eyes, her nose, her neck. I snake my tongue down her throat.

She is really starting to get hot. And with the corset and choker she is having trouble breathing faster. "Steve, please, I can't breathe. Help me, I can't breathe." She is starting to look scared.

I keep rubbing her clit and pussy. And with my other hand I squeeze her boobs even stronger, which gets her going even more. I can see she is about to cum.

"You are such a little whore" I tell her. "You'll do anything for me. You showed everyone your tits and cunt tonight. Only a whore does that." I can see the hurt in her eyes.

"I only did what you wanted me to do" she whimpered.

"Yes you did, you only showed yourself to be a whore because I wanted you to. And they all know why you did it. That's why they all know you're a whore."

I can see the tears start down her cheeks.

"With this outfit you were basically tied up on display for everyone in your sorority to see. And you did it to yourself. Everyone knows you are a slut who will do anything. They might start offering you money for dates."

"Steve please" she begs and starts crying, bawling almost. I can see her try to move, she wants to bury her face in her hands, in the chair, anywhere. But she is so constricted that she can't move at all.

I keep frigging her and I can feel her start to cum. "Cum my little whore, my little slut. Cum and think of everyone watching you this evening. Cum thinking of how you showed off your bare cunt to everyone. Cum thinking about how I have you totally restrained."

Susan shook and cried great sobs between her desperate breaths for air. "Steve, please, please, NO, NO, NO, NO, oh my god NOOOOO" she cried. "Help me Steve, please help me."

I stopped rubbing her and started stroking her hair. "Calm down Susan, calm down. It's ok, I'm right here, I'll take care of you."

She looks at me with a wild look on her face. Her makeup is streaked from the tears. She is sweating all over. And her chest is heaving as she tries to breath great gulps but is limited to shallow breaths.

"Tell me you're my slut" I whisper to her as I stroke her hair. "Tell me you're my little whore."

She looks at me, afraid, but she won't open her mouth.

"Tell me" I insist. "Tell me now or we'll do it again" and I slide one hand down to her cunt.

"I'm your slut" she whispers.

"And my little whore" I prompt her.

"And your little whore" she whispers.

At that point the car stopped. "Time to go to dinner" I tell her smiling.

Susan looks panic-stricken. "inner?"

"Yes slut, I promised you dinner. At a small very expensive private club."

I can see her struggling as the door opens. I pick her up and hand her out to the valet who lifts her up and stands her upright. I take her arm and we walk in to an incredibly opulant interior.

"This is a club for the very very rich" I whisper to her. "So do not embarrass me."

A woman walks up in an elegant evening gown. Her large breasts are almost falling out of the top and the bottom is slit up to her waist and a lot of her leg shows when she walks. "This way Mr. Miller" she says.

We walk over to a table that is far from any other and partially hidden from the rest of the room. I sit down in one chair. Susan is standing in front of the other unable to sit down.

"Miss" I say to the hostess, "my date's dress is too tight to sit down in. Can you please unbutton it enough that she can sit?"

The hostess kneels in front of Susan and unbuttons it enough that about two feet of the dress is open. It gapes wide putting Susan's cunt on clear display for anyone who is looking, and the hostess is. She stays kneeling staring at Susan's cute bare cunt.

Susan is clearly mortified, standing there with her cunt on clear display and the big titted hostess kneeling in front of her staring at her pussy. "Steve, I." she starts to say.

"Miss" I say startling the hostess. "lease help Susan sit down. She cannot do it on her own because her hands are tied behind herback."

Susan turns bright red at this remark. "Steve, please, I., please."

"Susan, please say thank you to Miss, I'm sorry, what is your name?"

"My name is Kelli Mr. Miller sir" she replies as she helps Susan sit.

"Susan, please tell Kelli thank you."

Susan looks at Kelli and says "thank you Kelli."

I see Susan about to speak and say "shhh, don't speak. I want you to be quiet for a bit." I can see her start to talk, and then decide to be quiet.

The waiter shows up. "May I get you something?"

"Yes, I'll take a beer" I reply. "And the slut will have a pina colada."

Susan starts as she realizes I called her a slut, described her as a slut, to the waiter.

"Very good sir."

"Oh, and the lady has her hands tied behind her back and cannot serve herself. Could you please send out two waitresses to help her?"

"Of course sir."

I look over at Susan and see tears slowly making their way down her cheeks. "Why are you saying this" she asks.

"After standing in your sorority lobby, how you came in the car, sitting here with your cunt on display and your boobs almost fully displayed, you're asking me why I call you a slut? Anyone looking at you can see you're a slut. A high class elegant woman who can be anything and chooses to be a cheap whore."

I say all this in a low voice to her and I can see her looking at where she is, the rich world she wants, and yet all of this is hitting her as true - that she is a slut. And that everyone knows it.

"Steve. Steve, I just want, well I." she stammers through her tears.

"Shuuh little Susan slut" I whisper. "What you want isn't important. What should matter to you is what I want. Is what I want important to you?"

She looks at me, almost in shock.

"Answer me Susan - is what I want important to you?"

"Yes Steve, yes - you know it is" she answers intently. "All I am trying to do is make you happy. But I don't want to."

I hold up my hand to quiet her. At this time two waitresses show up with our drinks. Both are dressed as french maids with the ruffled skirts so short that your can see their panties - which are pretty brief and almost transparent lace. At the top their breasts are almost spilling out of the aprons.

One waitress sits next to Susan and holds the drink ready for her to sip when she wants it. The other hands me my drink and I pull her down and give her a big deep throated kiss. "What's your name honey" I ask her. Susan is staring at me unbeliving.

"It's Mandy sir."

"Mandy, I'd like you to sit here next to me. My date can't move much so I need for you to take over some of her duties. Can you do that?"

"Yes sir" she says and pulls a chair over so she is sitting right next to me.

I can see Susan's face. This has all been too much for her. She is about to explode. For the first time in her life she is going to tell me no. I can see her working up the courage. This is it, she will assert that she is her own person, that she has limits.

"Susan" I say. "I want to marry you."

I see a look of complete shock appear on her face. She is having trouble breathing again.

"Mandy, what's your friends name" I ask nodding at the waitress perched next to Susan.

"That's Candy" Mandy giggles.

"Candy, since I'm over here, you have to do part of my job as Susan's date - can you do that for me" I ask her.

"Yes sir" she replies with a puzzled tone.

"Ok, please hold her and stroke her hair and whisper that you love her and that you want to marry her" I tell her.

Candy gives me a startled look but then I can see her gulp and turn to Susan. She holds Susan lovingly against her chest with Susan's head cuddled against her enormous boobs. She strokes Susan's hair with her other hand and looks again at me.

"Tell her" I insist. "And speak as though you're me."

I hear her whisper to Susan. "I love you, I love you Susan. Will you marry me? I want to marry you."

Susan gets a trapped look on her face. "Steven, please" she pleads.

"I'd rather you come sit by me Susan" I tell her. "Will you come sit here so I can tell you?"

I see her struggle but the dress and Candy holding her, she just can't move. "Steven, I can't. I'm trying but I can't. Please please don't do this" she begs me.

I turn to Mandy. I have one hand around her back caressing the side of her boob. With the other I stroke her cheek. I kiss her on the mouth and move my other hand directly over her boob and squeeze it through the thin apron.

I turn back to look at Susan who looks almost sick. "I'm pretending that Mandy is you. You need to pretend that Candy is me. For a question this important, we should be right next to each other, holding each other, kissing each other."

"I want to be next to you Steven" Susan begs. "lease let me sit next to you and we can hold each other."

"But we can't - you can't. You're stuck over there. And even if you were over here, your arms are tied behind your back" I tell her.

"But Steven." she starts to whine.

"Stop the whining NOW" I tell her. "I will not abide whining." Susan looks frightened. "Listen to Candy - and answer her please." I look at Candy, "Candy, please talk to her, make this as special as you can because this is one of the most important times in a girls life."

Candy turns to Susan. "arling Susan, I love you so much. Will you please marry me. I want to marry you." Candy strokes Susan's cheek and then leans down and gives her a light kiss on the lips.

Susan shudders at the kiss. She then whispers quietly to me "why?"

I look at Candy sharply.

Candy takes Susan's face in her hands and makes Susan look at her. "You need to ask me. Not him, me" she insists.

Susan looks at Candy fearfully. "why" she whispers.

"Because it's time for me to get married and I think you would make the perfect wife" I say.

"Because it's time for me to get married and I think you would make the perfect wife" Candy tells Susan.

"o you love me" Susan asks Candy.

"Yes I love you" Candy replies and she gives Susan a gigantic french kiss. I can see Susan struggling under Candy trying to get away, but unable to do so. Finally they come up for air and Susan looks panicked.

I nod at Candy.

"Will you marry me" Candy asks again.

"The world is yours if you do" I comment. "You will have wealth beyond imagination. All of this and more."

Susan looks at me and says "yes Steven, I'll marry you."

I look at Candy sternly.

Candy pulls Susan's face around. "Tell me, will you marry me."

"Steven" Susan says while trying to turn her face.

"I love you" Candy continues. "I want to marry you. Tell me, you have to tell me."

"Yes, I'll marry you" Susan whispers weakly to Candy as tears roll down her cheeks.

I turn to Mandy. "Now remember, you're Susan on a date with me. What do you think you should be doing?"

"I don't know. Something slutty I would guess looking at how she is dressed" Mandy replies.

"Well Mandy, you're clearly a slut so you should know what to do" I tell her.

"Sir, I may be a slut, but I'm not as big a slut as her. I fuck anyone who wants me. I lick pussies. Candy and I 69 every night. But I would never go out without panties on. I would never display my boobs like that. I'm not that big of a whore."

I can see Mandy's words hit Susan like punches. Here are these two obvious whores, available to anyone, and they are better than her.

"I know you're not as big a slut as Susan. But try to tonight since my slut is sitting over there away from me. Try to figure out what a slut like her would do."

"Well first of all" Mandy says, "I would take off my panties." "But can I please keep them on, I just can't be that scuzzy of a whore. Not here in public where everyone would know."

"Ok Mandy, keep your panties on. I don't want you doing anything that slutty."

Mandy smiles and moves one hand over to my crotch. "Well, I'm sure that she gives you hand jobs under the table at restaurants. Lets start with that." Mandy then pulls down my zipper, pulls my cock out, and starts jacking it off.

I look over at Susan. She looks scared. Scared at what she has agreed to. And scared of Candy who is sitting next to her snuggling up against her and running her hands over her body. Susan jumps a little every time Candy's hands go over her breasts or clit.

"Susan darling, I am so glad you said yes" I tell her. I see relief pour onto her face. "However, there are a couple of conditions you have to agree to."

Susan looks worried but nods yes to me.

"Here is what I insist on in a wife. I hope you won't disappoint me."

  1. You will obey me. I am the lord and master of my household and you will always accept my commands.

  2. I control your body. You will fuck anyone I tell you to fuck. You will not fuck anyone else.

  3. I will fuck whoever I please. You will help me seduce women when I ask for your assistance.

  4. You will always wear skirts or dresses. You will never wear shorts or pants.

  5. The clothes you wear in many cases will be as brief and provacative as possible.

  6. Your makeup and hair will ususally be designed to appear as slutty as possible.

  7. When you sit, stand, bend over - you will always try to do so to display as much of your breasts and pussy as follows.

  8. Your bathing suits will be as brief as possible and will have a hole cut where your pussy is so your pussy is still available.

  9. You will never wear panties or a bra again.

  10. You will fuck anywhere I say anyway I say. At times this will be in front of many people.

… will always wear heels of at least 5".

  1. All body hair below the neck will be permanently removed.

… will agree in advance to any plastic surgery I wish. You will not know what is done until you wake up. I will tell you that you will end up with boobs bigger than Mandy's FFs here.

… will refer to yourself as a slut, a cunt, a whore, a cum bucket. You get the idea, to honestly describe yourself.

  1. I will spank you or whip you when you are bad. Not just on your ass, but on your tits and on your cunt.

  2. I will pierce you. Sometimes I will just put pins in you for awhile. Othertimes I will put permanent … in you.

  3. I will tie you up so you cannot move. I will take you out in public totally immobile.

  4. I will … on you. You will swallow my … when I tell you to.

  5. I will breed you with dogs. You will suck them and fuck them.

  6. And anything else I think of. I looked at Susan. She was almost catatonic in shock. Mandy and Candy looked a little freaked too.

I turned to Mandy. "Who told you to stop jacking me off slut?" She started and looking nervous started again. "Slow down you dumb cunt, don't pull it off."

"I..I'm sorry Mr. Miller sir" Mandy stammered.

"Rub those tits against me" I directed her.

She quickly pulled down her apron and pressed her naked FF size boobs against me. I think she was so worried right now I could get her to do most anything.

"Just whisper to me what a slut you are and all the things you would like to do with me. Remember, you're Susan the whore."

I turned to Candy. "Remember, your'e me. I would not stop paying attention to my beautiful fiance. Give her your attention." Candy turned to Susan and started caressing her body and kissing her neck.

I looked at Susan. "You will have the rest of the world at your feet. And you will be at mine. That's your choice if you become my wife."

Susan looks at me dully. I can see her respond a little to Candy rubbing her clit, but that's about it.

"Well Susan, will you marry me?"

She looks blankly and then … She starts to speak and then stops. She starts again. "yes" I hear in the lightest whisper.

"What" I say not sure I heard.

"yes, Yes I'll marry you" she answers. Then she starts crying, giant sobs wracking her body and tears streaming down her face. She tries to bend or turn or comfort herself in some way, but she is still too restrained by her outfit.

I move over next to her and hold her. "There there little suzi slut. Steve will take care of you. Everything is going to be ok." She sobs even harder. I just hold her and stroke her hair until the sobs calm down.

I look down at her. "I love you suzi slut."

She looks up at me. "I love you Steven, and I'll be the perfect wife." And with that she spread her legs so Candy could eat her pussy.

And she was the perfect wife.

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