
kobieta (31) z Solihull, United Kingdom szuka kobiety, mężczyzny, pary.

Nie używam Icebreaker, aby połączyć się z ludźmi.

Icebreaker pomaga kontaktować się z nowymi członkami, którzy mnie interesują.

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I'm pretty busy today so not been able to read messages. So sorry! Everyone happy and sexy?
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Komentarz został pomyślnie opublikowany.
I'm......gonna have a lil warned...1 drink gets me tipsy!
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Just had to block someone - makes me sad but enough is enough.
  • millz93: It's mad because it's not like explicit chat is gonna get anyone upset on here so not really a reason to block'd think. He was begging to meet me and saying he was going to kill himself etc. Way too creepy x
  • millz93: Oh wow! Lol
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Who likes a big booty on here?
Komentarz został pomyślnie opublikowany.
Had a few messages asking if my boobs are real and so thought I'd clear it up that they are
Komentarz został pomyślnie opublikowany.