Blog MyDixieWrecked1369




I am traveling across country, working as a freelance photo journ​​​​alist. At this time I am in search of the perfect sunset location for a shot. Which brings me to where I am now, a small island, off the gulf coast of Florida. I am sitting at a bar on the beach trying to gather infor​​​​mation from the locals. This is where you come in and save the day for me. As you are sitting near by and over hear my problem, you offer your assis​​​​tance. After a few minutes of gathering the infor​​​​mation I need I offer to buy you a drink and dinner if you will accept my offer of grati​​​​tude. You do accept and we make intro​​​​ductions. Hello my name is Tim, so nice to meet you here. Thanks, my name is KC you reply as we make small talk over a drink and dinner. I think I might have had one drink too many. You ask me where I am staying tonight. I reply I thought I would sleep on the beach for the exper​​​​ience of it. This is where you offer to allow me to shower and sleep on your couch. You tell me that there will be no funny business of any kind, just a place to crash. I thank you for your offer and reassure you that I will be on my best behavior. I pay the bill and we leave. You tell me your place is just a few block up the hill, more like a mountain to me, steep. After what seems like a long climb you turn down a path that comes up to a small cottage on top of the hill. I wipe the sweat of my face as you offer a glass of ice water. You tell me that you will lay out some thing for me to put on after my shower as you offer to wash my clothes. I must be dreaming this is not happening to me, is it? Hot damn. Here I am thinking I am Joe Cool playing thing slow and here you are now the one who is flirting and making me crazy. You lead me into the bathroom and give me a towel and turn on the shower for me adjusting the water as you tell me it has a fine touch to get the temp right. Soaking the front of your tee shirt, in all of there great glory your nipples are rock hard and poking your of that tee shirt. My cock starts to grow hard, I am afraid to get undressed now with my cock growing so hard. Just in time you excuse your self and disap​​​​pear. To my relive, I climb in the shower and let the hot water run off my back as I have to stroke out a quick on my balls are on fire. Soaping up and rinsing clean I climb out and dry off. To my surprise the only thing you left out for me to wear is a mans thong g-string. Perpl​​​​exed, I wonder what you have in mind. Be cool, just play it cool dude she is going to fuck you relax let it happen. When I walk out to the living room I hear soft jazz playing. There is a sound from the other room, as you tell me to sit down and relax you will be out in a second. I ask you if you mind if I roll a joint. You tell me great, I haven't smoked in a month now. I get busy rolling a fat dobbie just as I finish you walk out wearing a red teddy and a pair of heels that dreams are made of. You tell me to light the joint you will get us a drink. I can't believe this, cool shit man. Getting stoned with a half naked beautiful lady, a stiff drink of scotch, sexy music, what next I wonder. This is where my memory is lost now. I can't remember how I got in your bed, or how I was handc​​​​uffed to the bed frame, where and when I was blind​​​​folded. But here I find myself now. Coming out of a haze. I know it wasn't the weed that was mine. Something in the drink? So foggy what happened? Did we fuck? My cock tells me no. My mind is lost and can't put things together now. All of a sudden, a very sharp pain causes me to scream out. Another one, this one hurts even more as I scream out louder now. I hear a hair clipper now, I know that buzzing sound. I can feel it now down my chest and over my nipples, OUCH that fucking bitch cut off my nipple. The pain is unbea​​​​rable I scream as if my life depended on it. I hear you whisper in my ear. No one can hear you, you are not the first to cry out in the dark. Something wet is being poured over the top of me now. The pain makes me pass out, I think the smell is nail polish remover. The pain drives me crazy. I pass out once again. I can fell my legs being pulled apart by ropes tied to my ankles. What is happening my mind races for the answers. NO, NO I scream, PLEASE DEAR GOD NO I scream over and over again. You have something pressed against my ass hole and the pain is more then I want to exper​​​​ience. I pray I will pass out again. Then with a sharp pain I feel you shove what ever it is you have deep into my ass causing me to start to bleed. As the blood trickles down my ass a smile crosses your face that lights you up. I pass out again. This time when I wake up or come to again. I can feel you sitting on my chest, your soft smooth thighs pressed tight against my chest. Then I feel it, the point of a knife in my chest. As you lean over to whisper in my ear I feel you hard nipples against my chest, even after all the pain my cock still wants to fuck you. You whisper in my ear "say my name" I scream out KC KC your name is KC. As i scream your name you say yes remember it as you start to carve KC across my chest cutting me deep. You ask me do I know what KC stands for? I answer no I do not know it. You start to laugh this wicked laugh and tell me it stands for Killer Cunt just as you stab your knife straight into my heart.

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