Blog AmboyDuke670770



Never Joke Around With An Old Man

Well I just did it, and boy am I happy. My index finger got a ten minute workout and.... WTF AD, what are rambling on about? I had about 80 Friends in Phoenix. Made it a point to contact every who made the effort. One or two brief replies, that's all. From time to time I'd pause to say hello to a Friend I saw was online. Nothing but dust in the wind. And so today, I erased the delusion in my mind that I might actually be popular and that I might receive messages of some significances, deleted all but four friends. Three of those four live thousands of miles from America, and the fourth doesn't even live in Arizona. I have no illusions that the potential love I lost (re last blog post) will ever attempt to contact me again. Men, when a woman makes up her mind, that's it. Couple that with overseas Friends I'll never meet and local Friends who are otherwise occupied, the decision to stay or not stay on this site is a fairly easy call. Naturally, I wish things had gone differently. My life is like the movie Grand Hotel. " People come, people go, nothing changes." I'm laughing loud on the inside. kk, Mark

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