moxie38s blogg 



my kitchen story

So, let think about this for a moment, which law of the daamn universe subject woman to the control of men that it is a prerequisite that awoman must cook for the man,like is that even sane. even my 100year old grandma says that and she is a goddess but she is often rong. if a man can eat like hell he should be able to cook. that brings me to my cooking. i'm a good cook, hell no i'm a great cook. I'm of Yoruba decent but i love IGBO and CALAbAR food, fron the banga to the ofe nsala to epan and afang edikiakong and all and i can cook em all. i was raised in the UK so i was always fascinated by African dishes so i learnt to make em. look at my catfish pepper soup for example. even my landlady want to marry herself to me coz of my cooking. lolz but really though i still wanna learn. so if you will, share your cooking pic with me and let us teach one another.

cooking and sex so many things in common, preparation patient and practice, so if your nigga is good in the kitchen there is every possibility he will be good in bed. i heard i am.

कमेन्ट पोस्ट हो गई।