madolafs blogg 




I am going to write a history of my love on this blog.

2. Rachel

 It was the summer of '95. I had just turned 16 a few weeks before and my friend Schultz and I would walk to the local swimming pool almost every day.

 One hot day in June, a sexy brunette in a skimpy bikini came over to me and started talking.

Of course, me being a nerd and all, I shyly obliged her conversation. A few minutes later, we were making out in the shallow end of the pool. Feeling her lips on mine was heaven.

We arranged to meet the next day at where she was staying; a nearby town.

I hitched a ride and made it there.

We walked around the town singing Counting Crows. (If you have iTunes handy, go ahead and play August and Everything After while reading the rest of this. Specifically Perfect Blue Buildings.)

We held hands and kissed and talked and laughed and hugged and touched and sang. She was beautiful. She was funny. She was graceful. She was mine .

And she was just visiting her aunt for the summer. She lived an hour away and she was leaving in 3 weeks.

We spent all of our time together.

I would meet her at the mall and we would walk around forever. We would walk through the woods near the mall to the lake that was nearby.

Normally, the trek took 25 minutes with minimal make-out breaks. On this particular day, our teenage hormones got the best of us. We had sex on the dirty ground in the middle of the not-untraveled path.

It was a bit awkward. There were lots of pebbles around digging into places where they shouldn't be.

But it was amazing, too. This girl was passionate.

We were constantly fucking for the next two weeks.

On the last day before she left, we went on one of our walks. We made it to the lake, and walked on a different path that led to a stream that fed into the lake.

There were two large flat rocks that created a waterfall and a small pool a ways into the woods. Once we got to the part of the stream we were looking for, we immediately decided to get in the water.

I laid her down on the small of the two flat rocks and made love to her. When you're … and a beautiful girl is having sex with you, in the woods, in a stream, on a big flat rock, that's when you realize that life is a series of beautiful things happening between the boring and the awful.

What the Beatles say is true.

The love you take is equal to the love you make.

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