Supabaddchick17s blogg 



Bring It Back

It would be so great if Fuckbook brought back the original features of this site. So many new changes have been made and it has, in my opinion, taken down the value of the site. There used to be more variety on  what to do here and more freedom for that matter. Why can we no longer search for users by their screen names? Why can we no longer see or post videos to get us more aroused. I mean it's bad enough we get filtered so damn much. Things were so much better a year or so ago and now its barely staying afloat. Can we please have some of the changes reversed Fuckbook??? PLEASE?!?

  • Sometimesexual: Do you know that years ago you could choose to cam with people? I thought you could share contact info, but you have to have more than one conversation. Just not on the first convo. And yes you could search by user name. I don't understand why they made the changes either.
  • Supabaddchick17: Exactly. The changes were unnecessary 
  • Sometimesexual: Well maybe they really don't want us to interact with each other, or meet for that matter.
  • Alter_ego713: true... the sooner you meet! the sooner you wont need there services anymore!!!!
  • Supabaddchick17: Good point guys
  • Ploddingon: your dead right its now worse than … for5 year olds ,if people want to hookupand fuck let em
  • Rideallnite222: How can anyone ever hook up someone if they won't let your contact info go through. You have to do everything in code. And that's fucked up. This is supposed to be a site for fucking not censorship!
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