lechemonculs blogg 




Fantasy for Mara.

Had I known how frigid it would be in Ottawa, I would have worn more clothes. At least I was smart enough to wear jeans and a jacket and not the skirt and blouse I left in my travel bag. After a short taxi ride, I get to the quaint little coffee house she’d asked me to meet her at. We’d been talking for months online and finally a business conference landed me in her city. She was excited at the prospect to finally meet and cleared out her own schedule for our rendez-vous. I’m early, so I order a latte and sit down next to a heater in a corner to thaw. I thumb through the numerous pictures she had texted me. One was a daring pic of her doing a naked snow angel, my favorite. Mara’s toned pink body makes a great contrast in the virginal white snow, her mousy brown hair flayed out adding an even more alluring effect. The cleft of her bald pretty pussy had small darts of snow on it that looked as if like they were melting; enticing the viewer to discover on their own the heat of her love haven. Her delicious petite breasts displayed perfect hard nipples that could probably cut ice. Her pretty face, unobscured by make-up, flashed a smile that denoted innocence and seduction at the same time. I couldn’t wait to be with this woman, to taste her, feel her and to devour her. I was awaken from my daydream by a polite tap on my shoulder. " Petra?" asked a sweet little voice. I look up and there is my little angel beaming down at me. I smile and respond, "Hello Mara, ma cherie." I stand up and give her a full-on kiss on her delicate mouth. Taken aback at my forwardness she hesitates before inviting my tongue in her mouth. Her taste is delicious. She instinctively pushes up closer against me closing her arms around my waist as I cradle her face and head in my hands to kiss her more deeply. The first kiss is always the magic moment for me; the unsaid pact deciding whether or not lovers will be born. My connection between Mara has been sealed. I stop kissing her but we still hold each other in this tender embrace. I look into her eyes and see my own lust and needs mirrored in hers. The question of would we be together has been answered. But Mara asks anyway. " Petra, are you going to make love to me now?." she half whispers half moans. In her voice I hear a slight hint of fearfulness. Is it because she's afraid that she may not live up to unsaid expectations or is she afraid of abandoning her modest and controlled demeanor to a woman that knows no boundaries as myself. Maybe she is afraid that I will take her from her calm and safe little life and fill it with debauchery, lust and salaciousness. I respond calmly, "Yes, cherie, I intend to show you things and do things to you but they have nothing to do with love." Puzzled, she looks at me with wide eyes. "I think you'd be much happier if I didn't make love to you. Because, I intend to fuck you and you will love it. Is that understood?" She softly replies, "Yes." "Yes, what?" I ask. "Yes, mistress." With that I grab my purse and we leave the coffee house. She leads me to her flat in a nearby building. On the second floor, she opens the door and invites me into her charming, conservatively decorated little home. She puts our coats into the closet and invites me to sit on her couch. Before she has a chance to sit, I sternly command her to undress. Shocked, she starts to stutter a protest. Again, but more insistently I tell her to undress and warn her of the consequences if she disobeys. "Yes, mistress." is what I hear. In front of me, she takes off the turquoise cashmere sweater she had on. Next, she removes the brown leather calf-length boots then her tight designer jeans. Lastly, her wool socks. I admire her beautiful pink body for the first time in the flesh as she stands there in a red push-up bra and white silk panties. She is flush with shyness and tries to cover up as my long, lustful gaze makes her uncomfortable. I look at her and ask " Did I tell you to stop?" Again, a stutter emits from her lips and her face turns crimson with fear. "Come here!" "Yes, mistress" she says in a fright at the sound of my voice. I take her tenderly by the hand and ask "You want me to be happy?" "Yes, mistress, its just that this is so new and strange to me." "Well, first understand you must obey all my commands," I tell her as I position her body across my lap "And if you don't you will get punished. Do you understand?" "Yes mistress." she whimpers. With her now across my lap, I pull Mara's panties down off her butt and to her knees. I notice the crotch of the material is soaked and her puffy wet pussy lips betray her excitement. " Please don't mistress. I will be good, I promise." "Oh, cherie, I know you will. Trust me." Mara gasps loudly as she hears the loud clap and feels the sting of the first swat of my hand coming down hard against the soft plump flesh of her beautiful bottom. (To be continued).

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