
Vrouw (45) uit Burbank, California is op zoek naar Vrouw, Man, Koppel.

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I play rough ...

First off, I never lie. It's my credo ... I never lie. Just ask and I will tell all.

Next, y'all know I love men and women and have done both in spades. All are happy ... including me. All is good. Always has been.

So ... now asking ... how many ladies are still out there on HERE??? What do you seek? I want the ladies to respond.

I can already tell you I think you are beautiful and brave and, most likely, horny just being on here ... and I adore this. But ...

Now I want you gals to talk to me. can we? What do you want? Why are you here? Be honest.

We girlies are so few on this site ... let's take this oppurtunity to connect.

What dont we like on here? What do we want? Tell me, how can I best serve???

I know someone will respond to this in jusst the right way. I listen.

All for y'all,


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SINGLE DADS ... Why be shy???

I have met so many single men who are fathers recently ...fathers for whatever reason ... lol. Formerly married ...bad choices ... the condom broke. I have heard them all and more than I will share. BUT ... a kid is a big changer. I know it. I get it.

Most men try to hide the fact that they are dads. Why????

To me, a man who is a dad is virile ... strong and important. His kid(s) is vitale ... a growing human soul ... beautiful.

Now, I know my perspective may be tweaked by age and experience ... HOWEVER ...I think that anyone who can stand up for their convitions is … and rare. Also, from my perspective, getting involved with any man, I feel I should know the truth. In truth ... to tell me your a dad ... a decent dad... grants you points with me.

Having a kid or several ... this, in and of itself, doesn't mean the booty call is off. It only means there a few obstacles and challenges and good girl would meet to be with you.Some of us will understand and be there no matter what.

So, don't be shy, you single dads out there. (If you are a married dad though ... um ... please just go do your wife. She will appreciate your attention.) Life is big and accommodates. Be honest and life will deliver.

All the best,


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Why am I so picky? Y'all make it hard on a girl these days. Why???
Reactie succesvol geplaatst.
I want to meet a real woman ... a lady truly up for a dynamic threesome experience in Cali. i
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I am looking for some trouble tonight. Who's in?
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To guys ou there ... READ MY LATEST BLOG! send me comments! I need to here from you. I pick up women
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I turned down 78 cocks tonight on this site ... and I am lonely and horny. But I did this knowing...
  • SomeGuyinCali: dayum. I turned down . . . .0 pussy today. lol
  • GinaCMe: We real girls have it better than you. I know it for sure.
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Just a few tips for the men on this site ... and take it as GOLD because I HAVE hooked up for fun with people I have met on here. And I DO have on-going playful relationships with many others ... both men and women I've met through FB.

1) Your cock may be thick, big ... HUGE ... and I am sure it IS a beautiful thing I could get my mouth around ... but there is more to you (and me!) than that. Just one pic of your outstanding cock and your location is not enough for me to friend you. Nor is it enough for me to allow a phone call or a meeting. Be creative with the pics you post! I don't need to see your face (at first) .. but seeing a visual on your personailty would be a fine ice breaker.

2) Spring for a real membership! I'm not into material possessions and I have enough on my own ... but a guy who is too cheap to chat properly on this site is probably going to be the one to leave me paying for a meal or cab ride. Skype is great ... but free ... which leads me to thinking you are just horny, desperate ... and will take advantage at every turn. This is not sexy to a real woman. Pay your own way to meeting a great one night stand ... and you might have my respect in the morning! (And I might even buy you breakfast ... because I can ... and WANT to!)

3 ) Be up front about what you want ... though please say hello first! I probably already know you want to slide your dick into my pink, wet pussy. I get it. So, when messaging or emailing ... just say hi first. Try to be a gentleman! I promise you that we real girls on here are more likely to listen (and listen attentively!) if you share your wishes AFTER a polite greeting. Think about this!

4) Be real! There are plenty more of you men out there on FB than us women (real ones) and the competition is steep. Yes, we get to be selective!!! Stop trying to be a porn star and just be YOU. I am sure that YOU is good enough. All of us on here are already horny enough and ready for fun ... so just chill out a bit and have fun being you. I promise, you are more likely to get a number or a hook up by being real than by hitting me up with "hun" or "baby". Save that for the second or third message.

Ok, that's all I've got for now. I hope this helps you, Guys, to find your way into some real girl's pants. Maybe (if you are damned lucky) even into mine.

With all my best ... body and, yes, soul too,


P.S. Thanks to ALL for the great responses ... both down below and in emails! As it turns out, you wonderful Men out there are trying to figure it out and have great tips too (yes, pun intended)! Keep the posts cummmming on this post! We can all learn and grow from sharing experiences. And, geez ... everyone knows I LOVE sharing! Be well ALL. ~g.

  • GinaCMe: I love this post. I shows how we are all truly and beautifully messed up. Thank you James707bond ... dud, who ever you really are. Thank you!
  • jaywolf42: Great blog. I have photos, I say hello and try to keep sex out of the conversation to begin with. I am honest about why I'm here too. Just haven't had that much luck. But I keep trying and thanks for blog.
  • GinaCMe: Thank YOU. I always listen. And, also, I always speak truth. Evn when I am wrong. i try.
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Looking for interaction now. Again. I want to meet you. Tell me. Message me, yes? Good.
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I want a girl who will roll over for me ...Or a man who wants me from behind. Both at once?
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