Blog di JayTod81



Funny how things go

Well. I been trying these hook up apps for at least 3 weeks. After being single for nearly 3 years now this is what it comes down to right? You would think that whoever we contact or who contact us would be legit right? Since I have tried others spent money a lot of scams are out there. It also shows how lonely or awkward people really are. 

Some of us are searching getting nowhere. Some of us want to have a good time but can’t seem to find any takers. I get it trust. U would think someone like me would have no problem just hooking up for a night of two of fucking but trust I do.

This blog will probably fall on deaf ears or in this case a blind eyes. But I figured I am stuck with this for a month so might as well make the best of it.

I know what it is like to feel ignored or overlooked. Some of you are probably too. Not the best feeling in the world. But hey we are on this site in hopes for something right?

To the fellas out there who are like me and has came to this point of paying for sites for random hook ups or whatever it is you’re in search for. Don’t let this internet world convince you of anything. This shit is random. Things happen when they do. 

I am convinced a lot of these accounts are not even the real people that is on the pictures anyway.

It also proves men are crazy enough to pay for shit like this still getting nowhere. But hey can’t knock their hustle. You gotta give them their credit.

To you ladies out there. I am willing to bet the 90% of you i messaged is paid by the site to keep us guys interested in staying on the sites. Again you gotta make a living and I give it to you.

To the 10% of you ladies I didn’t mention on the paragraph above. It be nice when a guy messages to leave a response even if you’re not interested. After all I am sure you feel the same when you message a guy and hear nothing back. Again it is okay to let it be known. After all the odds in real life of any of us passing one another on the street is a million to one. 

All I am gonna say is happy hunting for whatever your reasons are. In my case can’t get my money back so I might as well keep scrolling and digging for real active accounts. But fellas if this is another site you went to try your luck take my advice even though I too am on it. It is best we don’t. Because after a while it does become discouraging and we are are already on here for that same exact reason. So if you’re still active let it be your last. Because this will be the last for me.

And to you ladies that are real on here don’t be afraid to reach out because after all you don’t have to go far if you don’t want to. It is really just that simple. Holla at Yo boy.

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