Blog di WriterStranger



My thoughts on sexuality

Thinking about one’s own sexuality conjures all sorts of controversial topics, which can leave one feeling overwhelmed. I cannot help but to look to institutions of religion and government as a source of many frustrations and misinterpretations. There are so many people ready to form groups of social drones to conform to their singular ideals for the purpose of advancing these bias driven oppressions onto yet more people. There are so many people ready and overly willing to tell you how to maintain and manage your sexual life; one of the most intimate and personal things shared between people. How can something like this be regulated? Sure, it is practical and logical to have some control over it. Some levels of sexuality are inappropriate and dangerous to the well being of others. Horrendous activities such as … and …

Politicians have been arguing constantly that our country is in a state of tumultuous division and in need of a change. This is true for a myriad of reasons and one of them most certainly regards sexuality. It seems that the older generations try to hold onto some pseudo-Victorian principles about sex. Too many are still taking the conservative religious view that sex should be a holy sanctuary created between a man and a woman under god; that it is really only necessary for procreation and, on limited levels, acceptable to show love. These older generations gawk, crucify and condemn the younger people for engaging in any type of casual sex that they view as nothing less than unbound, promiscuity steeped in immorality and sinful behavior. And Homosexuality? No, absolutely not! Such behavior is not in their biblical schema and unacceptable because some faerie in the sky magically permitted a few irate men revelations, which they then transcribed, in their own words. Am I supposed to take a personal experience filled with little, if any empirical evidence and tainted with the patriarchal ambitions of ancient kings handed down through the centuries as literal proof? Why should fact, reason and knowledge be considered the wrong way to go if it stood in the face of faith? Belief without proof is absolute nonsense.

Religion and church just bored and confused me. Their plastic faces and weird morals extracted from a text written by a bunch of men who viewed women as objects and property only further frustrated me. How can someone base their opinions and choices in reality on fantasy? I read the Bible and was not impressed. Judges, chapter 19 (particularly verse 29) is horrendously pious in the undertaking of misogynistic perpetuations of men. Stories like these only stir up rebellion for me. My next thought was, so what if I want to kiss a girl in the parking lot at school? So what, if I like women just as much as men? I look at life and people and see so much beauty and love and I feel like experience is the best thing that you can do because in the end, who really knows what happens when we die?

It is ‘values’ and worldviews such as those preached by Christianity and too many other religions that sets the faulty foundation for future generations to inherit, thereby increasing guilt and fear about the natural world. Sex and Sexuality is as natural as the trees, birds, insects, oceans and earth. Without it, how can we live happily? One cannot suppress the Eros drive effectively and still maintain any semblance of jocularity. We are organisms; animals that portend to superiority through intellectualism and yet, there are still masses running on religious adrenaline that seek to unravel and smite the beauty of one of the best physiological and mental attributes we have: Sex. What business is it of anyone else if I seek happiness in sexually exploring with partners; regardless of gender, ethnicity, or other idiosyncrasies that mingle well with my pheromones? I certainly have no right … world with my opinion, especially when I may very well be stealing others’ right to happiness. Read my words or not; learn from them or not. Imposing and shoving them down the world’s throat has never been my intention.

That said, I am not completely a cynic nor am I proposing a free-for-all kind of attitude totally without boundaries. Education about protection and safe practices are necessary. What I advocate is that our choice of partner should be unrestrained, so long as everyone involved are of mature age, informed about risks and in full consent.

I do believe that we are entering an era (at least in America) where different forms of love are becoming more acceptable. We have seen the legalization of same sex marriages in Massachusetts in 2004 CE and I witness more and more people accepting ‘alternative lifestyles’. It is sad that is taking so long for our society to wake up but at least it is happening. However, we are still far from considering lifestyles such as homosexuality as part of normative culture. Young people of my generation and those after me are still stuck in the mud of their ancestors’ homophobic philosophies. Sometimes, it is simple misinformation that drives their ignorant comments and abhorrence to anything outside their parentally defined normality. Other times, it is because they are simply going with the crowd to achieve social acceptance for fear of being alone and ostracized. Both reasons have their explanations and you can hardly place sole blame on the individual in such a case. But to blind oneself to new ideas and reject education in the name of group think is just as ignorant and regressive as those predecessors that put them in such situations to begin with.

One of my favorite quotes is by Margaret Mead. She said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.” This is true beyond measure. America and how the world views sexuality and the rights of humans can be changed for the better. Women should stop being viewed as sluts, whores or … just because they wish to experience sex as much as men do. After all, history teaches us that it is men who had more promiscuous behavior than women; almost to the point of being ubiquitous. Men’s rights should not be abolished in the process either. We should progress through the world by increasing our respect for other fellow human beings. We are all one species, one race and it is vital to our survival that we open our minds and allow those around us to be happy as well as ourselves.

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