Blog di KuntrySubbie



Master's Arrival Pt 1

The months he'd been gone, felt like years to her. Having followed through with plans made before their departure. She had been working at least three months now, found room mates and moved from her father's. Sh and Master still talked every day and most nights, when ever he had free time.

Now the holiday lay right around the corner. She'd known he'd been on the road nearly a week and was now waiting visit, though she didn't know exactly when. She had made sure things were spotless before heading to her job, leaving her key in case he showed early. He'd already told her she would see him when she saw him. Making it a point she wasn't to know what time he's arrive.

Work day comes and passes and she returns home. No unusual cars, she frowned and went about her day. It's late now, only speaking to him once that day, informing him that she was off the next two days, then told him good night, heading to bed.


After hitting the END button on his cell, he couldn't help but chuckle to himself. He'd already been in town a couple of hours. He knew what he had in store. He was now purposely making her he was still driving, to draw more suspense out of her. No, not to make her worry, she knew he was just fine. It was all part of his plan.

Knowing by the time he found her place she'd be sleeping. His thoughts kept reverting to to everything in store for his "slut". With each re-occurring thought, his grin grew, as did the bulge starting within her favorite pair of jeans, his white ones.

He arrives about half an hour later, all lights off. He grabs his bag, slips out, finding the key and silently slips into the house.

Knowing already which room is her's, he enters like he'd been before. Perfect, he thinks seeing her sound asleep. Pulling off his clothes, while watching his sleeping slut. She moves, so now he stands stark still, to not bring attention to himself. She simply rolls to her side, still out cold. His grin returns as he now heads toward her bed. Sliding his naked form beneath the sheets, next to her. Having been away from her for so long, he tenderly touches the back of her head, stroking her hair. Then lowering his hand, tracing the couture of her body. He curses the fact the fact she is still clothed, but just pushes/shoves the material out of his way to feel her bare skin. As smooth as he'd remembered.. His erection throbbed against her lower back, fighting back his own moan at the feel of her under his touch again. She stirred again, breathing low, turning now to her back. His touch traces over her stomach, to her chest, brushing the tips of his fingers over her nipples, which harden with contact. He grins and lightly pinches them. Only to make them perk more. He then dared sliding his free hand into her shorts. Gently forces her legs apart to fondle and brush over her trimmed pussy. He doesn't want to wake her just yet. He'd always told her he'd … her in her sleep, if ever had the chance.

Well, here it was. His slut, sound asleep, while he slipped two fingers into her tight pussy. Wriggling them slowly against her ever soaking walls. Biting back another moan, he now shoves a third finger into her soaked folds, not so gentle this time. With his fingers wriggling inside her, he pushes his hard-on roughly against her thigh. A sleepy moan escapes from her parted lips, which he now over took with his own. He pushed in a fourth finger as his tongue ran over her lips. Now stirring more, he smiles and stops. Before she fully wakes, he wants her bound to the bed. Ever so carefully he slips from the bed. Finding his bag, he removes cuffs and rope. Tying the rope to the chain of the cuffs and binding her to the posts at her head and feet. And done with her being clothed, he cuts them off of her. Next, he then climbs atop of her. The tip of his shaft teasingly rests on her clit, he leans down, kissing her again, this time to stop her scream when he pinches her nipples painfully. He muffles her scream with his tongue shoving into her mouth. It's play time beautiful, he thinks to himself as he releases her now heated nipples.


Groggy, but now fully awake, when she felt the sudden pain, she jumped but couldn't move. Then she noticed the weight on her and the tongue teasing her mouth. She screamed now for the second time, a hand reaches for her throat and the kiss is broken.

The stranger leans up now and smiling wickedly down at her. "About time my slut woke up." she heard. Then everything began to fall into place. It was Him, her Master, finally back to re-claim what was His! Now fully awake and excited, she moved against her restraints even more. He just sat back, laughing as he pulled and pinched at her tits again. She arches, pulling against her cuffs, moaning agains his hand on her throat. "Not yet, slut." He ordered and moved his hand from her neck. "You come, I shall punish.: He warned, as he pushed now into her dripping wet folds. She moans again, trying to push her hips into his, with no luck. He teases her, just rubbing the head of his cock against her wet cunt. "Mm-mm, Master!" she attempts to beg.

"Master what? Slut?" He barked, shoving his whole shaft into her cunt. She bucks on her restraints, the cuffs cutting into her skin as her back lifts off the bed. He pounds into His tight cunt and says, "Who do you belong to? Who owns you, your holes? Who has the absolute right to … you in your sleep?"

Through her moans and half screams she answers, "You, Master, only you! T-t-these holes are Yours to fuck and abuse! Yours to … and fuck! All of me is Y-y-yours, M-m-master!" She bites her lower lip, getting close. He sees this and and pulls out. "on't come, bitch!" He tells her as he rams into her unused ass. She screams in pain, then relaxes to take in his girth. Having missed His cock take over her holes. None could do what He did to her. Now teasing her ass with slow, long strokes in and out. "When are you gong to come? He asks and pushes deep into her tight asshole, holding her hips. "When you say, M-m-m-m-master, or not at all" she replied, still fighting her urge. With her answer he pulls from her ass and rams back into her pussy. Tweaks her nipples again, making her jerk under Him. Then moves a hand to play with her clit, while he fucks her. They both know His teasing fingers on her clit will do her in anyway.

"M-m-m-m-master.. N..." She bit her lip as she almost begged Him not to. "Master,what?" he began to rub harder on her clit, causing her to wriggle under his weight even more. "Are you going to come, slut?" He knew the answer, as he'd began to reach his release. She nods, still biting her lip, trying to fight against her rising climax.

"o you want to come?"

She nods again. "What? I want to hear you, bitch."

"Y-y-y-yes-s-s, y-y-yes-s-s M-m-m-master!! May I come?" She begs now, she can feel him throbbing in her tight, wet cunt. He plays with her clit more, circling his fingers. "I think you already have."

"No, M-m-master"

"then come all over this cock, slut!!" Teasing her clit, viciously, now moving faster, while pounding her hard. "Come! Now!" He barked, his own body tightening over hers, her entire body convulses and pulls tight on her cuffs. her skin breaking from pulling so hard, as she releases he pulls out and rams hard once more, shooting his load inside her now. He falls on top of her, now kissing her tenderly and using a free hand to swipe stray hairs from her face. She smiled sweetly, never having been this exhausted by Him before. She began to speak, then He pulled out and got off of her. She frowned, thinking He'd leave her this way. But saw he'd gone for the keys to unbind her. Seeing the look on her face, he replied, "Maybe later, gorgeous. After all, I have only just gotten here." Now free she went to Him weakly to hug and kiss Him.

"Then, for now, welcome home, Master."

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