nyc2wny blogja



Not interested....

I'm a picky, cautious, tackful woman. Yes, I'm on the site in search of the pleasure of a specific type of woman but I'm hardly about to or willing to drop my standards. Thus the reasoning for this blog posting.

If you a man especially 1 with stolen pics of women I'm not interested. If you a female with some dick pics up I'm not interested. If you don't have a real pic up don't come my way. If you are picless I'm definitely not interested. If you are some hoe talking bout making money stop yourself. Lastly ladies if your english comprehension skills are like your actual experience with woman lacking it is such a turn off. The internet is an incredible thing. An the knowledge available there is boundless. Try it out people. Food for thought though if you are lacking in the 2 last categories yet know how to get online to try getting some, something is wrong. I'm just saying.

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