Chocolate985 blogja



The on going BS cycle

So Im a person of few words so to speak. My experience with being on this site is mostly the same as any other dating/sex site. I'm sure many people would agree that they have dealt with catfishing, fake profiles, the "always angry" female that post how they can't find no one to fuck, to the male that message every female the same"bs" message, messages that are never replied to, hook up that never happen etc etc................The same ongoing cycle of bullshit! I can honestly say that being on here, I had no expectations of anything even "hooking up" with anyone. I work too much and my schedule is hectic, but would make time if the person is genuine and that timing is right! Yet why is it so hard for people to find what they are looking for on this site and others like?

  • reese234wi: 💯💯👌🏾
  • Chocolate985: Yeah I don't get the whole fake/ catfish bs, my time is too precious to try some shit like that, don't know why people do that!
  • thatguyuneed11: People are just dumb I guess, I'd love to lay you down girl.
  • steveharris3350: I just don't get all the b/s and fake profiles that go on here. The genuine people who mean what they say are in the minority sadly
  • rhric: agree, not many genuine people on here & hard to sieve them out.
  • DNettles1980: That's exactly what I was thinking too. Wtf does it take to get a response on here?
  • Thor953: Exactly....and I'm paying for this shit and nobody talks on this shit. I need to cancel my subscription
  • Fuckwitus: I feel the same
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