
Everett, Washington से पुरुष (40), जो तलाश में है इसकी: लड़की.

लोगों से जुड़ने के लिए मुझे Icebreaker की जरूरत नहीं होती।

Icebreaker की मदद से अपनी पसंद के मेम्बरों से संपर्क करने में आसानी होती है।

चैट शुरू करें
गिफ्ट भेजें
ColdCrushLoverLuke ने _REBEKAH, paolaCasada, sexyrach050, और 2 और। की सामग्री पिन की
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कमेन्ट पोस्ट हो गई।
ColdCrushLoverLuke ने AnimeGirl34 की सामग्री पिन की

Time Stopper: First Lust

(Act 1 of 3. Hope you enjoy!)

Ever want your own superpower? Most people dream of having at least one. Usually, people dream of flying up high in the clouds or breathing in the waters deep below. Some dream of the ability to move super fast and others crave to be invisible. In a town, nestled below a large mountain on a small island, there is one such superhuman. Her power is marvelous beyond words. The power to--

On a small nightstand, next to a queen size bed, a small alarm clock began to shierk it’s morning greetings. The sound was loud and rang like a church bell in the ears of the youth sleeping in the bed. With a loud ‘thud’ noise, the youth groaned. “Why did I buy the most obnoxious alarm clock ever?” Standing up slowly, the girl slapped the alarm clock hard and sat on her bed. A pair of worn, white panties barely clung to her hips. Her petite body frame was curvy, a topped with two small yet perky breasts. Her black hair, which hung by her shoulder blades, was sticking up and spiked in all manners of ways. The girl gazed at her only real luxury, a tall mirror. She traced her body over, shifting left and right to see both her sides. Light bruises, but nothing too bad. “I should be more careful at work,” she complained, “I don’t need anything broken.” With a stretch, the girl wiggled her panties off her hips and hopped into the shower. A few minutes later, she stepped from the steaming bathroom with a towel wrapped tightly around her body.

Drying off as quickly as she could, the girl slipped into a black tank top and pulled on a fresh pair of black panties. Turning to her closet, she opened the wooden doors and grabbed her white, with a black corset and frilly skirt, barmaids outfit. Slipping into the dress, she pulled up the arm cuffs and adjusted her neck collar. The outfit fit her, but just barely. It was nearly too big. “Another day, Amanda..” The girl whispered to herself, “Another day.” Amanda spun around and grabbed her black half heels and headed out of her house. Closing the door and checking to make sure it was locked, Amanda turned and headed for her place of work. Not too far away from her home, sat two young men, who eyed Amanda up and down hungerly. ‘Just ignore them..’ She thought as one lit up a cigarette. He blew the smoke out calmly and clicked his tongue, “Hey chicky, why don’t you swing that little ass over here?” Amanda scoffed and kept her pace. The other giggled to himself, “I don’t think she likes you man.” The smoker took a long drag before breathing out. He looked like the devil to Amanda. “What’s the matter girly? Do I scare you?”

Amanda kept her pace and started to stride passed them. She thought she was in the clear till she saw the smoker reach for her dress. “It’s too damn early for this.” She complained. With a flash, her brown eyes swirled and shifted to a misty blue color. The young man froze in his tracks; so did his friend, the birds flying up above, and the cars in the street. Amanda turned and clicked her heels to the two men. She took the cig from the smoker and crushed it under foot before moving him to have his hand in-front of his buddy’s crotch. She undid his friend’s pants and slid his hand right on in. With a giggle, Amanda turned and walked a few feet before her eyes turned back to brown. The two men … awkwardly, “Hey man, what’s with the handy?” The smoker jumped back, “How in the hell!?” His friend looked torn, “I didn’t say I didn’t like it.”

“No, where did that girl get off to man?” the smoker blushed hard, trying to hide his embarrassment. Amanda began to quietly whistle to herself before she approached her place of work, a bar named “Happy-Hour”. Above the door hung the neon sign that proudly displayed that name. Above the name was a neon girl who bent over and “shook” her ass saying, “It’s Happy-Hour boys!”. Old and tall palm trees swayed around the aged bar. Amanda shook her head as she started up the wooden stairs of the surf shop looking bar. Waiting for her in the doorway was her boss. His dark skin rippled with massive muscles that had been earned with years of training. His jawline was strong and covered with an itchy looking beard. He had blue eyes, but couldn’t see from one; there was a large scar that slashed through that blind eye. His greying hair made him look like a super buff grandpa.

“You didn’t happen to use that little ability of yours earlier today did you?” His voice was deep and growly. Amanda … awkwardly then tried to make herself appear cute like a daughter would to her father after getting caught doing something bad. “Whatever do you mean, Jo? I haven’t used-” Amanda was cut short by Jo who growled out, “Then why pray tell is my BRAND NEW microwave busted?” Amanda laughed awkwardly for a moment then groaned. It was the only downside to her ability to stop time. Almost anything that took electricity usually broke down or burst if it was on during the time when Amanda froze time. Strangely enough, TVs, cars, and radios weren’t affected by her power, though she had gone through three phones in this month alone. Amanda sighed and placed a hand on her hip, “I ran into two assholes Jo.. What was I supposed to do?” Jo snorted, “Not use that ability of yours. Just act cute.” Amanda sighed hard. She wanted to protest, but she knew Jo would not have it. Jo pointed his thumb into the dark-lit bar, “Just get yer ass to work ‘Manda. I don’t want any more trouble, ya follow?” Amanda nodded, “Yes sir…” Amanda strode into the bar and gazed around.

The smell of cum, booze, burgers, and sweat slammed against her nose all at once. When she first started work here, it used to make her gag, now, it barely got her to sneeze. Towards the center of the bar sat a large stage with three strip-poles jutting up from the floor. One each pole was a big breasted, sexy assed, tall woman, dancing her heart out nakedly for the crowd of men who jerked off to their bodies. Adjacent from the stage and on the left sat the bar. Compared the stage, the bar looked out of place. Its old wooden face was carved up and scratched. Bar stools dotted the length of the bar itself and could sit nearly thirty people. Amanda stepped around behind the counter and peered into the back. Sure enough, there was a smoking microwave. She groaned, they literally just bought that after she blew out the last one. “Looks like we’re not eating microwaveable tonight..” she murmured.

A few minutes passed by, music began to play over the growing sounds of men howling and begging to cum on the dancers. The dancers were allowed to tease and ebb the men, but weren’t allowed to get cum on their skins. Amanda gazed at the stage, it was a place she would never be able to go. Her small size made her attractive to very little, not enough to shake and show off. Her thoughts were broken by a young man who sat at the bar. “Hello and welcome to the Happy-Hour. What can I get for you?” Amanda had been conditioned to say that line perfectly. Jo usually made her clean double shift if she messed it up. The youth gazed at the bar then down at Amanda. A smirk grew across his face, “I’m feeling like a glass of you would be just fine. What say you make it right in front of me? Up, on this bar with those legs spread?” Amanda bit back her frustration, she never liked it when guys asked for things like that. “We don’t do that here sir. Would you like to order something or no?” The youth’s smirk faded, “Sheesh, ok. I’ll do with a bit of rum.” Amanda turned and grabbed the bottle of rum and a glass. She placed it down and poured him a small amount before he took it, drank it, and tossed the cup on the bar. He left her and sat close to the stage, undoing his pants as he sat. Amanda bit her lip softly. She didn’t like the way guys acted, but their cocks were sexy as hell. She owned three, long, large dildos, all of which were very well used. Amanda hungered for the real thing, wishing she had the courage to just dive in. Sadly, she didn’t have that courage, not even with her ability.

The night dragged on and Amanda found herself on Jo’s clean up crew. She wiped up cum from the floor, swept broken glass, and grabbed empty plates. Shuffling back and forth, Amanda would eye the men who stared hungrily at the dancing girls up on stage. If she just paused time for a brief moment, Amanda thought to herself, she could at least feel one of their cocks. Her thoughts were broken when she was hit by a stream of cum. The warm, sticky fluid slapped against her cheek and dribbled off her chin. The man who came on her … and adjusted himself, “Hey sorry about that…” Amanda shook her head, “It’s fine. Happens all the time..” His eyebrows cocked up, “Oh, so your like the second course while the girls up top are the main?” She shook her head, “I just clean what you guys leave on the floor.” His buddy chimed in, “With your tongue right?” Both men began to laugh as Amanda wiped the semen from her cheek. Shaking her hand free of cum, she strode to the bathroom.

Quickly jumping into a stall, Amanda began to breath hard and shake. She was excited. Despite her small frame and less than sexy looks, Amanda desperately craved sex. She began to lick her fingers, her hot breath against her own skin started to make her sweat. She soon found herself sucking the finger which she had used to wipe the cum away; her tongue hungirly hunting for any trace of left over cum. She gently bit her own finger which snapped her back to her senses. “Yeah right…” Amanda said softly, “What guy would ever cum for you…?” She gently slapped her cheeks and stepped from the bathroom. As she was leaving, a guy passed her to the men’s bathroom. His cock stood up like a pole. Amanda quickly checked the floor and crept over to the men’s bathroom. She placed her ear against it and listened. Inside, she could hear the man jerking his cock off, moaning and whispering something that she couldn’t make out. Her sex drive started to rev up, her legs buckled together and she began to rub her knees together. Amanda craved what was just out of reach.

She closed her eyes and tried to picture his cock; long, hard, and all for her. Suddenly, Jo’s voice broke her dreaming, “What are you doin’ there ‘Manda? Get away from the men’s room.” Amanda nodded and sadly pulled herself away. She stopped short of the corner piece that joined the bathrooms with the bar house and felt her heart racing. ‘Just do it you scaredy cat!’ her brain shouted. Amanda gritted her teeth softly and made her choice. The music suddenly stopped, the men froze and the girl’s froze mid swing or kiss. Amanda raced back into the men’s bathroom and found who she was looking for. He stood facing the wall, one hand wrapped tightly around his shaft, the other hand hung freely by his side. Amanda crept over to him and gazed at his cock. It was big and thick, yet her dildos seemed bigger. She carefully put herself between his cock and the wall and stared at his manhood. Amanda’s mind was racing, thoughts of doing it but having her power fade flooded her mind. She didn’t want to get caught. Then, it hit her. She could merely allow his cock and balls to move in time with her while keeping the rest of him frozen.

Amanda reached out carefully, afraid that her powers would betray her and this man would see her on her knees, reaching for his cock. Gently, she brushed her fingers against the warm skin of his shaft and unfroze time around his cock and balls. She gently grasped his shaft and began to stroke it. Amanda had never felt anything like it before. It was warm, thick, human. She gently reached her other hand down to his balls and clasped them in her hands. They felt frail, like one wrong twist and off would come his sack. The sight and the smell of his cock was driving her crazy. Amanda shakily breathed out and kissed his cock. The warmth against her lips sent shivers through her body. “Real..” Amanda whispered, “Real cock..” Opening her mouth, Amanda stretched her tongue from her lips and licked the head of his cock carefully. It tasted far saltier than she would have pictured, but it was just what she needed at that moment. Amanda’s heart was beating out of her chest, she wanted nothing more than to thrust his cock into her throat and suck happily away. Her mind was spinning out of control. However, the moment her lips wrapped around his cock’s head, everything fell into place. Her heart beat slowed as she slid more of his cock into her mouth. Stopping half way, Amanda slowly pulled the cock from her mouth. She licked her lips, then without regret, plunged his cock into her mouth.

Amanda began to suck his cock like she had seen in the pornos she watched, slowly from mid shaft to head, twirling her tongue around the head while jerking his cock. Her head bobbed up and down, his cock would often hit the back of her tongue. She began to bob her head faster, letting her hands drop free as she took as much as her mouth could hold of his cock. ‘It feels so good.’ She thought to herself, ‘So warm and inviting. So loving.’ Before she knew it, Amanda was in a trance. She didn’t want to stop sucking his cock. Her legs dripped with her pussy’s drool, it hungirly wanted to taste his cock as well. Amanda started to pull the cock from her mouth but realized too late how close to cumming this guy had been. When her lips reached the head of his cock, a warm jet stream of cum splattered against the back of her throat. She nearly gagged, but her body made her keep her lips there like a vice. ‘Not a single drop will fall on the floor!’ her brain shouted, controlled by the lust she felt. When Amanda’s mouth was full of cum, she pulled her lips off his cock and opened her mouth up at him. She knew he couldn’t see her, but she was in such a horny trance she didn’t care. Her mind snapped back to reality and she raced over to one of the … Amanda spat the cum into the … and gagged hard. “What did I just-..?” She asked herself while spitting more cum into the water in the bowel. Amanda swallowed lightly and drank just a small bit of the man’s cum.

The feeling of the warm, sticky, jizz down her tongue and throat was enough to make her petsudo orgasm. Her hips bucked and lurched, her pussy ached wanting to cum in her panties. Amanda breathed heavily, trying to calm herself. Weakly, she stood up and slipped out of the bathroom. Time began to flow again and the guy breathed out hard. “What the…? It feels like I just got a blow job… Wait..? I know I came… where is the stain?” Amanda had raced behind the bar, dropped a couple of coin and swiftly drank a can of cola. She coughed hard pulling the can from her lips. Jo stood on the other side with crossed arms. “What in sam hill did you do?” Jo demanded. Amanda snapped to attention, red faced and sweating. “I.. Uhh.. Well, you see… I…” She was stuttering hard, her mind coming to the sudden realization she had just given a free blow job to one of her customers in the bathroom. It barely sat well with her. “I.. Just.. … fingered myself?” Amanda tried to keep her voice calm. “I didn’t think you were watching, sir.” Jo uncrossed his arms and nodded to the drink, “Figured you’d have a drink while you played with yerself?” Amanda turned a new shade of red, “Y- Yes! Ahahaha, I wanted to experiment.” Jo scoffed and stepped around the corner. His size suddenly made Amanda very afraid as he towered over her. Gently, he wiped her cheek and whispered, “Don’t you lie to me again.” Amanda glanced at his fingers and realized she had been caught. Jo’s thumb had the sticky white gold that she had worked so hard to get with her mouth.

“I- I can explain!” Amanda stammered. “Don’t,” Jo whispered, “I don’t want to know who or why, I just want you looking presentable. We’ve got customers to please.” With that Jo left and Amanda thought over his words. “Yes sir…” She smiled, “Customers to please indeed.”

End Act 1

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