butthole_surfer का ब्लॉग



A good night.

So,i went for a drink by myself recently.

I got lucky and met a girl in her late 20's,having a drink also by herself.

I made a gentle approach,we sat together,had another drink and in the end she was kind enough to ask me to come to her house so we can end the night together.

It was really fun,and i believe we both had a great time.

She had a boyfriend,and i must admit that she really was an artist with her mouth.

Still,it was not this that impressed me the most.

It was what she said when she finished what she was doing,and said to me

"Finally i meet someone that when i open my mouth for him to cum into doesn't miss so he ends up ruining my whole face".

Shame that some people you have to only meet once,though...

कमेन्ट पोस्ट हो गई।