YarmouthAndy का ब्लॉग



To all the Americans on here

Today is your election day. If you are going to vote, get out there and vote. The eyes of the world are watching you. And remember, sometimes it is better having a woman tell men just what to do. There is always some submissive men out there lol.

  • YarmouthAndy: Because there are quite a few people that are scared that a man who had to be told three times in a row, that the use of nuclear weapons is totally out of the question. Just because you do not like a certain country does not mean that you just go ahead and nuke them, just because you want to. There are people that I know, who think that if he becomes President that the Doomsday Clock, will be moved to one minute to Midnight. Not good for this planet.
कमेन्ट पोस्ट हो गई।