
un homme (32 ans) de Brisbane, Australia cherchant un(e)femme.

Je ne me sers pas de Icebreaker pour me connecter aux gens.

Icebreaker aide à entrer en contact avec de nouveaux membres qui m'intéressent.

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I'm such a slacka I haven't even renewed my membership yet, but if anyone feels like it you can still get to me by text 0456. 043533.
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Who wants to meet up sometime? Let me know :D need new friends
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Sharnie you should text me
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Ricksta_69er a ajouté une photo et/ou une vidéo de sharnie04 à ses favoris
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I'm blocked on facey find me I'm Ricky …
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I hope you text me pinmeup
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If anyone wants to message me, text my number 04560. 43353 as I need to renew my membership on here :/
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Home alone finally, now I get naked!!! Haha
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Today is the day my life will change hopefully forever! so nervous!!
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